
Things I read today 31-12-08

TPC: The absurd persistence of domination: Of speciesism, capitalism, and shaking their foundations - By Jason Miller
Time to come together and enact change.

Michael Parenti - The Struggle for History

Questions From a Worker Who Reads - Bertolt Brecht
Who built Thebes of the seven gates?
In the books you will find the names of kings.
Did the kings haul up the lumps of rock?
And Babylon, many times demolished
Who raised it up so many times? In what houses
of gold-glittering Lima did the builders live?
Where, the evening that the Wall of China was finished
Did the masons go? Great Rome
Is full of triumphal arches. Who erected them? Over whom
Did the Caesars triumph? Had Byzantium, much praised in song
Only palaces for its inhabitants? Even in fabled Atlantis
The night the ocean engulfed it
The drowning still bawled for their slaves.

The young Alexander conquered India.
Was he alone?
Caesar beat the Gauls.
Did he not have even a cook with him?

Philip of Spain wept when his armada
Went down. Was he the only one to weep?
Frederick the Second won the Seven Year's War. Who
Else won it?

Every page a victory.
Who cooked the feast for the victors?
Every ten years a great man?
Who paid the bill?

So many reports.
So many questions.

TantCJO: a word | this and my absence - by sadi ranson-polizzotti
A great read on what I feel are the pains of awakening.

NFL Encourages Fans to Send Text Messages to Security Staff to Report Troublemakers - Story
Be compliant.

U.S. Treasury agrees to buy a stake in GMAC - Blacklisted News
Now as 'bank' status, does that mean that GMAC can be less transparent?

US lobbying firm quietly ditches Pakistan People’s Party - Blacklisted News
We used to like you but you're about to get attacked.

Ex-cop debuts first 'KopBusters' trailer - Raw Story
This is awesome.

Ten Questions every US Citizen should ask themselves in 2009 - Rights and Freedoms Documented
What are your questions?

U.S. Losing 'Secret' War in Somalia - Blacklisted News
So many secrets.

National Guard Soldiers to Usher in New Year at Times Square - Blacklisted News
To instill fear and security.

Gaza relief boat damaged in encounter with Israeli vessel - CNN News
Note the wording, now check this Mainstream media propaganda?


Things I read today 30-12-08

Creating an "Arc of Crisis": The Destabilization of the Middle East and Central Asia - by Andrew G. Marshall
Read and THINK. You don't think that everything is coincidence do you?

UN chief calls for ceasefire as Israel pounds Hamas targets - CBC News
Bringing up tensions in the area.

Israel turns back aid workers en route to Gaza - CBC News
Shooting at aide ships.

Oregon Eyes Taxing Vehicles Per Mile By Satellite - Blacklisted News
Taxation from privately owned roads? Let us not forget that for this to happen, we must all accept that cars will all be tracked. Don't allow them to nickel and dime your ass to death.

Pentagon, Hollywood Pair up for Transformers Sequel - Blacklisted News
Propaganda in movies?

Harold Pinter Nobel Prize Speech 2005
Harold Pinter Nobel Prize Speech 2005. Art, Truth, Politics.

Great Speech -what a loss - - note the use of the word 'combative'.

Why Harold Pinter will not be outlived by his plays - Story
Making sure to attack the dead so people will forget his words. Re-writing history.

With Needed Cash, GMAC Will Ease Lending Restrictions - NY Times
Easier to buy. In the rush to make sure that more people buy their cars won't that create a car bubble?

'A Nightmare We Cannot Afford in the 21st Century' - Story
Brainwashing here?

Gaza relief boat carrying Cynthia McKinney rammed by Israelis - Raw Story
Oopsi Israel. Do you think that having her on board worries Israel?

Lung tumours 'could grow faster' due to processed food - Blacklisted News
Duh and duh again. Learn to cook, learn to live.

Almost one in 10 Floridians are on food stamps - Blacklisted News
10% on food stamps. How much does it take until you say NO MORE!

Avenger212: Israel - A Disastrous Policy in Gaza - By Rowan Wolf
Nice read on the Israeli terrorism.


Things I read today 29-12-08

CJO - Hope, Change, and Pissing in the Wind - By Patrice Greanville and Jason Miller
Brilliant writup of the 'hope' of Obama.

U.S. will give free weapons to Afghan civilians - Raw Story
How good is this?

Big Brother CCTV to spy on pupils aged four - complete with CPS evidence kit - Daily Mail
Growing up accepting being watched and scrutinized.

Pelosi: US must stand strongly with Israel - Blacklisted News
Terrorists must back terrorists.

South America moves toward military integration - Blacklisted News
See what happens. Because of the world we live in, resources must be diverted from the people to military jsut to defend from the like of ...

Cash-strapped states weigh selling roads, parks - Blacklisted News
"Make them pay for everything" hahahahaha "Privatize"

VIDEO: The Robert Rubin Ponzi Scheme and the media silence

Economic Globalization and Speculation Coming Home to Roost - By Rowan Wolfe
Get ready for the swift financial kick to the side of the head.

The Fed’s Two Trillion Dollar Scam Makes Madoff Look Like A Piker - Blacklisted News
Making sure you can't follow the money.

Northcom Combat Team Conducts “Humanitarian Support” Exercise in Maryland - By Kurt Nimmo
Seeing through the propaganda of military on home soil.

Scientists plan to ignite tiny man-made star - Blacklisted News
Creating a small sun; hope it doesn't go BOOM

False Holocaust love story was to 'bring happiness' to world - CBC News
Why is this news? Because Oprah got duped. Note the title, the extreme judgement and persecution in this story which is really about nothing but a novel. False news and who the f$ck cares.

Anarchists of the world unite - in cyberspace - Story
Wow, the propaganda pick of the day. This is what the activists really need to do... ORGANIZE.


Things I read today 28-12-08

unemployed - a poem by craig bayer

CJO: Experts Question Human Rights Watch’s Venezuela Report - By teo
When we have to watch human rights organizations.

Israel strikes demolish Hamas compounds, kill 192 - Blacklisted News
Israel at it again. Making sure that the democratically elected Hamas no longer exists.

World Leaders React to Israeli Airstrikes on Gaza - Story
Still pissing off Arabs.

500 million gallons of toxic sludge spill in tennessee - Blacklisted News

Internet Sites Could Be Given Movie Like Ratings - Blacklisted News
The first part of converting the Internet. We need Net neutrality.

2 more Canadian soldiers killed in Afghanistan - CBC News
We just keep telling you about it, keep being patriotic.

Hamas 'bars injured leaving Gaza' - BBC News
Watch what you say; you don't want to be labeled anti-Semite.

D.C. cops caught stealing from Toys for Tots on Christmas eve - Raw Story
I like this - "D.C. police department's outreach coordinator, pleaded with the media for less focus on the crooked officers."

Organizers strip Mexican beauty queen of title after drug bust - Raw Story
Drugs and babes; what are the odds?

White House embarrassment rises with donor scandal - Raw Story
Bush caught again?

Naked man dies after 4 taser shocks - Raw Story
Maybe they were afraid that 'it was loaded'.

International community calls for end to violence in Middle East - CBC News
Yep, propaganda here - "calling on both sides to halt attacks and end the violence that has left more than 225 people dead in less than 24 hours."


Things I read today 27-12-08

'Viagra lure' for Afghan warlords - BBC News
When you can't simply buy them.

FDA OKs 1st Eyelash Drug Latisse - Story
Another 'side effect' becomes a legal drug.

How an old phone can make money - BBC News
Keep buying their shiny, new crap.

Lit cigarette possibly ignited deadly Montreal fire - CTV News
Demonizing smokers even more. Using words like 'possibly', 'apparently' and "may have fallen asleep". Any brainwashing here?

USA needs nuclear explosion to turn the world into dictatorship - Blacklisted News
Sounds like something I've stated.

Russian Military Gets New Nuclear Missiles - Blacklisted News
How many are saying "hooray, the cold war is back"?

Report: U.S. Faces Biological Attack Within 5 Years - Blacklisted News
I thought the 'dire economic impacts' was due to workers wanting too much salary. Now it's going to be illnesses and deaths?

Amateurs are trying genetic engineering at home - Blacklisted News
"I need a brain. Get me a fresh one."

Report: U.S. Faces Biological Attack Within 5 Years - Blacklisted News
Are you afraid yet?

Pilot 'remarkably calm' after sea ditching - Story
Read the title -- Now this line "Everyone was pretty shocked".

No breakfast, earlier sex: Japanese study - Story
I can see it now -- "You have some breakfast you little slut."

Kennedy says 9/11, Obama led her to public service - Story
Give me a break.

Age of sexual consent climbs to 16 - Story
It's for the kids.nWe are now average in this too.
World ages


Things I read today 26-12-08

Great essay on war, how it has been used over history and Barack Obama.

'Feelings of insecurity' cast shadow over holidays: Queen - CBC News
Nice to see the queen is able to tell us how we feel during this time.

Be optimistic about 2009: Harper - CBC News
The weasel wants us to be optimistic - suck it up and pull yourself through. Don't give up that 'hope'.

Man dressed as Santa opens fire at L.A. Christmas party, kills 3 - CBC News
Another person 'snaps'.

“Workers Laid Off, Executives Paid Off, Bernard Madoff” - By Amy Goodman
Good read on the bailout scam.

Executive Order: Adjustments of Certain Rates of Pay - Whiitehouse
Do you know what Bush is doing?

To Take Certain Actions Under the African Growth and Opportunity Act and the Generalized System of Preferences - Whitehouse
More here

The Federal Reserve Abolition Act - by Stephen Lendman
On the fed, money and control.

Dennis Blair: Corporatist Candidate for Director of National Intelligence - Blacklisted News
As the 'change' keeps looking the same.

10 Things You Won't See After the Recession - PC World
Prediction or marketing?

Consumers cashing in on Boxing Day bonanza - CBC News
Don't forget to shop while you are optimistic. And keep getting used to standing in lines.


Things I read today 25-12-08

Bush orders pardon re-examined - CNN News
Need to teach him a lesson.

1/3 of Banks Will Disappear Next Year - CNBC
The banks will get bigger and more powerful.

Ready in case 'you' get out of hand.

Infra-Red Pain Beams For Police, Military - Blacklisted News
You'll live but it's going to hurt.

VIDEO: Raw Eye-Witness Footage of Burning Wreckage at Connell Crash - Blacklisted News
Where is the bad weather?

VIDEO: Will the North American Union Happen Under Obama?

VIDEO: Louis Farrakhan On Central Banks

Part 2

Feds consider searches of terrorism blogs - Blacklisted News
And just what identifies a 'terrorism blog'? Information about fertilizer.

Department Of US Homeland Security Expands Collection Of Biometrics For Visitors - Blacklisted News
Leave your DNA at the gate please.

Canadian kids get “Masoni-chipped” while visiting with Santa - Blacklisted News
We're just getting you used to the idea.

Probe into cosmetic surgeon who 'powered his 4x4 with his patients' excess flab' - Story
The plastic surgery crowd can now feel 'green'.

RCMP bust a couple of suspected movie pirates - Story
And we are meant to stand behind our police forces? What a crock.

Fed Grants GMAC's Request to Become Bank-Holding Company - Story
Private company gives GM rights to bailout money.


Things I read today 24-12-08

VIDEO: FDNY Lieutenant Admitted Plan To ‘Take Down’ WTC 7

Paulson admits “There is not any playbook” - Blacklisted News
“We can put light where there’s darkness, and hope where there’s despondency in this country. And part of it is working together as a nation to encourage folks to own their own home.” — President Bush, Oct. 15, 2002
Do you hear the circus music?

Sex slavery: Living the American nightmare - Blacklisted News
You use what you have to survive.

TPC: “Class is a dirty word” - Michael Parenti interviewed by Jason Miller
Another great Parenti interview. Read and think.

Bush Signs New Unified Command Plan - Blacklisted News
Organizing the military world.

Harper 'obvious choice' for top Canadian newsmaker in 2008 - CBC News
Weasel makes news.

Detroit using Canadian water since 1964 - CBC News
Let the water wars begin - just make sure you get compensation.

Banker Suicide: Head of Fund Invested in Madoff Is Found Dead - Blacklisted News
Just another dead banker.

Homeland Security turns reality TV star on ABC - Blacklisted News
The propaganda machine is going into high gear. The worst part is that the public will watch it, just as braindead as they watch Idol.

Federal government posts $603M deficit in October - CBC News
Corporate tax cuts and an 'invasion' in Afghanistan; good thing there is an 'economic crisis' to lay the blame at.

Scholar and Political Ideological Surgeon, Michael Parenti, lays the truth down on the intentionality of today's ruling elite and its harmful consequences. Discussion on Michael's latest book, "Contrary Notions". City Lights bookstore, San Francisco, Jan 22, 2008


Things I read today 23-12-08

Cheney: If president does it during wartime, it's legal - Blacklisted News
The 'entitled' president's men.

Secret nuclear sell-off storm - Blacklisted News
Love the term - "nuclear deterrent"

Mike Connell was warned not to fly before plane crash - Blacklisted News
Handy that it was a plane crash.

Check out all these unexpected deaths of people involved with elections - OpEd News
Still think "coincidence"?

Banker Suicide: Manager of Secondary Marketing Stabs Herself to Death - Article
The Banks too?

Banker Suicide: HSBC Head of Insurance, Who Also Happened to be a Danish Army Reserve Lieutenant Colonel, Hangs Himself in London Five Star Hotel Room - Article
They're dropping like flies.

U.S. votes against "right to food" in UN General Assembly - Blacklisted News
U.S. was only vote against.

Manufacturing a Food Crisis - By Walden Bello
Some truths that everyone needs to know.
Structural Adjustment—a Major Cause of Poverty - by Anup Shah

Our own bailout - Story
Yes, there is brainwashing here - using the buzzword 'bailout' to manipulate the minds. Comparing the funding (though it was wrongly overseen) of a University to the Auto industry. We SHOULD be funding education more and say no to corporate welfare and military spending.

200 passengers stranded in Ottawa after terrifying flight turns back - CBC News
Flying in bad weather. Read the comments.

Meeting Cuba's youngest politician - BBC News
The young carry on the revolution. Viva Cuba.

Wallin, Duffy among 18 named to fill Senate seats - CBC News
Need some famous people in the senate. I like how they keep telling us how democratic this is.

Q Poll: NYers Semi-Sweet On Caroline, But Think She'll Be Senator - NY Daily
Using the Kennedy name to appoint her. Note that she is the main focus of mainstream media.
What about Jerrold Nadler?

This guy actually wants to go after Bush/Cheney and wants to restrict the 'pardon' power of the president.

Bay State logs a 3d straight year of population growth - Story
Why encourage them to breed?


Things I read today 22-12-08

AP Study Finds $1.6B Went to Bailed-Out Bank Execs - Blacklisted News
Is anyone surprised?

Bush Insider Who Planned To Tell All Killed In Plane Crash: Non-Profit Demands Full Federal Investigation - Blacklisted News
I didn't know fishy plane crashes were back in style.

Hedge funds gain access to $200bn Fed aid - Blacklisted News
More for the rich, less for you.

Russia starts missile delivery to Iran: Iranian MP - Blacklisted News
One must protect themselves from the likes of Israel and the U.S.

Queensland Babies Given Anti-Depressants, Figures Show - Blacklisted News
Must be part of the 'war on depression'.

Unconventional Warfare in the 21st Century: U.S. Surrogates, Terrorists and Narcotraffickers - Blacklisted News
Now this is some good reading.

Ground Zero on Wall Street: Fed Funds and T-Bills Hit 0% Interest - Blacklisted News
What is your interest rate?

President of Brazil unveils plan to upgrade military in effort to be global power - Blacklisted News
Business of war.

The Pentagon is muscling in everywhere. It's time to stop the mission creep. - Blacklisted News
Military government.

Toyota slashes profit forecast amid slump - CBC News
Keep convincing us that lower profits are bad.

Iraqi journalist forced to apologize over shoe-throwing, brother says - CBC News
All this for a shoe. Think about it.

Suspected U.S. missiles kill 8 in northwest Pakistan - CBC News
The U.S. can still go anywhere they like.

PM bypasses hearing, appoints N.S. justice to Supreme Court - CBC News
The Canadian circus.

Mosquito blood 'identifies thief' - BBC News
DNA from a mosquito

5 Men Are Convicted in Plot on Fort Dix - NY Times
There sure are a lot of 'thought crime' convictions lately.

Israel Launches Global PR Campaign Ahead of Gaza Invasion - Blacklisted News
If you don't like it, you're anti-semite.

Elements of an Inside Job in Mumbai Attacks - Blacklisted News
Where is that finger going to end up pointing?

Gunman 'requests Pakistan help' - BBC News


Things I read today 21-12-08

Kissinger Calls For New International System Out Of World Crises - Blacklisted News
"converting the whole world to our political philosophy" - and people still don't get it.

China says lending to US will not go on forever - Blacklisted News
Time to call in the markers?

Teachers to get 'role model' code - BBC News
Clones to teach clones. Be obedient.

FDA Stuns Scientists, Declares Mercury in Fish to be Safe for Infants, Children, Expectant Mothers! - Blacklisted News
Doesn't that sound yummy? Revoke a warning to cover their collectives asses.

Vancouver looks for ways to force homeless off streets in extreme cold - CBC News
'Force'; because no one wants to think of a burning homeless person.
Comment: Alberta 'Have Not' Posted 2008/12/20
Death Traps and Work Camps;

Did you know that in Calgary alone one hundred and seventy seven people have died while in the care of emergency shelters since 2003. Of these one hundred seventy seven people only 3 or 4 of them managed to make it to the age of sixty.

Did you know that an emergency shelters in Calgary bills the taxpayer one hundred to one hundred and fifty dollars a night to house just one person. That's 3000 persons x ($100 to $150 per night) x 365 days in a year.

Did you know that most of the Homeless People in Canada are Canadian born white males and have been stuck in these unhealthy emergency shelters for decades.

Did you know that between 60 and 70 % of all homeless people living in shelter are presently sick or in poor health and do not even have medical coverage.

Did you know that most of these people will never see there Canadian Pension or retirement earnings at the age of sixty five

Did you know that the mayor of Calgary hopes to end homelessness in ten years time. and that most of the homeless people are now in there late forties

Well mayor I dont think thats going to be hard to accomplish.

Illinois governor seems to be growing stronger - Story
For a man that most think is guilty, he doesn't seem worried.

Let's not forget this - this I believe was the day before the indictment

‘Bush Shoe’ Gives Firm a Footing in the Market - NY Times
Free market mentality - there is no intelligence left.
More evidence of zero intelligence

Clinton III Continuity We Can Believe In - Blacklisted News
Change? There is no change. Good article

Great article at Thomas Paine's Corner


Things I read today 20-12-08

Safety authority orders inspections of gondola towers across B.C. - CBC News
Reactive safety. And rushed at that, making sure it is a fiasco.

Homeless woman's body found burning in shopping cart in Vancouver - CBC News
The mongrels of society. Read the comments.

'I am dying to show how innocent I am': Illinois governor - CBC News
People have already made up their minds.

Police assault 12-year-old girl after mistaking her for a prostitute - Raw Story
WTF? Have we all gone insane?

D.C. officer pleads guilty to unprovoked assault on protester - Raw Story
The police are there to help you.

Bush: auto plan only way to stave off collapse - Reuters
"We have ended up with an agreement open to interpretation, that eliminates the sense of crisis, where taxpayer dollars are expended and we are left to hope that the next administration has the will to enforce the tough concessions necessary to make these companies viable for the long term," Sen. Bob Corker, a Tennessee Republican said.
Interpretation? Sense of crisis? Enforce? Tough concessions? We did what we could, good luck.

LBJ accused Nixon of treason

Watch this video about the bailout 'money trail'

GOP targets auto union

Military to be on high alert for inauguration - Chicago Tribune
NorthCOM to operate during inauguration. Military in the streets?


Things I read today 19-12-08

Obama Picks Arne Duncan for Education Post - NY Times Blog
"When to shutter failing schools"
More here

Predatory Employment in Higher Ed

Children forced into cell-like school seclusion rooms - CNN News
Teach them young

Higher Ed: Free For All

Winter medical myths 'debunked' - BBC News
So drink, be merry, eat late, feed the kids sugar, don't wear your hat, eat the poinsettia if you want and don't think that there are more suicides at Christmas.

Prominent neoconservative: 4,000 Americans 'had to die' - Raw Story
The attack was a go even without WMDs

Book: Tenet drunkenly mocked Bush neocons, right-wing Israelis - Raw Story
Truth serum doing its work

Obama and the new Latin America - Asia Times
Is Obama the 'hope' that everyone wants him to be?

Flaherty appoints economic advisory council - CBC News
Canadian finance minister to seek advice from 'prominent business leaders' - Now how can running government according to corporate advice help the country?

Bush ‘Worried’ About Potential for ‘Disorderly’ Auto Bankruptcy - Bloomberg
“I’m worried about a disorderly bankruptcy and what it would do to the psychology of the markets,” - Bush
Do I even have to comment on this? We have already been taught that bankruptcy is bad; the shame.

Children under 6 shouldn't get cough and cold medicines: Health Canada - CBC News

A Most Desperate Move by the Fed - Global Research
Get ready for the bubble to burst.

U.S. Stocks Fall on Concern Fed Is Running Out of Ammunition - Blacklisted News
Interest rate limbo - how low can it go. The see-saw of the markets

Goldman Sachs cuts taxes to one percent by moving profits offshore - Blacklisted News
At least someone is making money. Wait that's our money.

Why investors don't care about Madoff - CNN Money
Lots of things to keep you busy, what's another $50 billion?

Judge orders CSIS to stop listening to calls between terror suspects and lawyers - CBC News
For 'your safety' we will take away the rights. Do you think the 'spy' agency will do it?

People 'still willing to torture' - BBC News
This just in: people are lemmings.

The Bill Nobody Noticed: National DNA Databank - Blacklisted News
We WILL know everything about you - for your safety of course.

Simulated training urged for new wars - Blacklisted News
Simulate the new wars? Planning a few of them are we?

Iran Forms Spy Network In GCC States - Blacklisted News
Iran spies, Canada spies, U. S. spies; we all spy.

Ariz. police say they are prepared as War College warns military must prep for unrest; IMF warns of economic riots - Blacklisted News
Yup, we're ready for the civil unrest. There may be a revolution afterall. Yeah right, if people get off the couch.

LA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA - Blacklisted News
That's the sound of someone with their fingers in their ears making noise so they don't have to listen to the person talking in front of them.

Gates Foundation to help libraries be better free 'net cafes - Story
'free' Internet that further locks one into Microsoft products.

Has anyone seen Steve Jobs lately? - Story
More 'idol' worship. Note how shares can 'fall' because of one man's health.

Panasonic Makes Formal Offer for Sanyo - Story
And big companies get huge.

Bush to Provide Emergency Loans to Big 3 - Washington Post
First paragraph:
"The troubled U.S. auto industry will receive emergency loans of $13.4 billion from the federal government in return for an extensive restructuring of its outstanding debt and labor costs over the coming year, according to administration officials."
Could the debt be related to pensions and the labor costs be to screw the workers even more?
More here

Secrecy surrounds those receiving benefits of Federal Reserve’s trillions - Blacklisted News
More secret democracy

This video is from MSNBC's Countdown, broadcast Dec. 18, 2008. Raw Story


Things I read today 18-12-08

Gun collector jailed for selling weapons to criminals - Story
"unemployed sickness beneficiary was motivated simply by greed." - What kind of statement is that? Watch out for gun runners with colostomy bags. I think that this a warning to gun owners.

Rough year ahead but governments can help: Bank of Canada - CBC News
Keep consuming and it will all be OK

Bankers: FDIC rules will ban new banks - Blacklisted News
With the aquisition of banks from the larger players during this melt-down, does one think that 'normal' competition will return?

Iraqi Security Officials Detained - Washington Post
Now that we are 'freed' by the U.S., we shall control who can become a political party.

Argentina renationalises airline - BBC News
Good news for Argentinians, don't worry about the 'scared off investors'.

Chrysler closing all 30 manufacturing plants for 1 month - CBC News
Time to start squeezing workers.

TPC: In Praise Of Muntather Al Zaidi - By Layla Anwar
I love this: "President of the United Asses" - there could be no truer statement.

Elderly "Pickpocket Terrorist" Arrested Again - Story
"Pickpocket Terrorist"? What the hell is that and why is it even in print? This is simply to de-sensitize the public. If the word 'terrorist' is used enough, it will not be questioned. Therefore, one could have an indefinate 'war on terror' and it doesn't get questioned.

Council Is Set to Approve Higher Hotel and Property Taxes - NY Times
Cuts in government (not his) and raising taxes; he's going to be very popular.
More here

Woman, 89, arrested for keeping football - Story
“My son paid for the ball with his own money.” "The football, valued at $15" - I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

2009 to witness global agri-commodity shortage - Story
Prices falling? I guess that when prices raise about 80%, that it is easier to state that they are falling.

U.S. Consumer, Fear Thyself - Forbes
"Consumer spending accounts for roughly two-thirds of American economic activity, so shoppers who fear for their livelihood can bring about a recession by curtailing their purchases." - Shop the economy back to health

Oil prices hover near 4½-year low - CBC News
They love to mention the 4 1/2 year low but don't mention the high price of gasoline. The fact is that gas nearly doubled 2001 - 2003. That it costs more for individual contractors to operate a business is not news.

California: U.S. Marines to Staff Vehicle Checkpoint Along with Law Enforcement - Blacklisted News
Getting you used to military at home.

Change We Can Believe In: Obama Chooses Monsanto Creature, Tom Vilsack, for Secretary of Agriculture - Article
Are we surprised?

N.B. coroner calls inquiry into Bathurst van tragedy - CBC News
Our 'blame society' just can't let the dead rest is peace. Notice the picture of the happy boys playing basketball.

Obama Eager To Disclose Blagojevich Contacts - Story
And the circus continues

And just because it is way too much fun

CJO: Sarah Palin is the Future of Conservatism - By John Brown
So let me get this right; The voters are not going to get wiser, but dumber.

Iraqi journalist 'sorry for shoe-throwing' - Story
Denied bail for 'his safety' - and faces 15 years in jail for shoe terrorism, 5 years if just attempted aggression - I wonder if that is per shoe
More here

Greek Protesters, Police Clash for 13th Day - Story
Funny how this is not on the main pages of the big media. Must not want other nations masses to get any ideas.


Things I read today 17-12-08

"If those in charge of our society - politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television - can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves."-- Howard Zinn, historian and author

George W. Bush's Nightmare Before Christmas

Bush’s Backward Sprint To The Finish
Do you know what he's up to?
More here - Bush's Final F.U.

NYT writer: History will view 9/11 as 'a fluke' - Raw Story
A fluke? Why not a coincidence?

IMF chief issues stark warning on economic crisis - Blacklisted News
Pump that money in, we know what we're talking about.

Shoe-thrower expected to appear before Iraqi judge - Story
Criminal court for throwing shoes? I guess the broken ribs and all were not enough.

S. Calif. residents trade guns for groceries - MSNBC

General Electric wins three bln dlr Iraqi power deal - Raw Story
This must be FOR the Iraqi people.

Bush: Sacrifice Free Market To Save Economy - Blacklisted
Just won't admit that 'Free Market' sucks.

VIDEO: Ron Paul & Peter Schiff on our economic collapse

Japanese billboards are watching back - Blacklisted News
Do you get the feeling that you are being watched?

U.N.: Militaries can pursue Somali pirates on land - Blacklisted News
The 'hot pusuit' excuse again.

Bush trumpets security record - Story
Do you feel any more secure?

NY gov proposes tax on drinks, downloaded music - Story
A tax for everything; bringing the U.S. to Canada's level

Iraq shoe-thrower inspires Bush-bashing Web game - Reuters
We play games while the reporter is still in jail, faces criminal charges and has been beaten severely.

Iraqi doctor jailed for life for failed car bombings - Story
Look at the wording - "He said Abdulla's anger at the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 could not justify his actions, which were those of an educated and well-paid medical professional." - If you are educated and well paid, DON"T COMPLAIN

Peter Schiff - Bailout and Economic Collapse!

Steven Liebe & Peter Schiff on Your Money CNN - Liebe talks: Baernes states that the treasury are going to make money. Brings up national security, China, Iran, Russia, Zimbabwe. I wrote a book first. House prices are not too high. No bailout would be disastrous. He is interruptive and won't let Peter Schiff talk. The CNN host says "When your child fire to your curtains, do you lecture the child or put out the fire." After the break there is another CNN woman to help the gang-up on Schiff. Telling Schiff that he doesn't care about the financial media. That people are going to have to save instead of spend is yesterdays news. Free enterprise won the second world war. Those that don't want the bailout are saying that it is socialist in nature. I want to show how contradictory Peter's comments are.
This is a despicable attack to discredit Schiff and to brainwash the public into the bailout.


Things I read today 16-12-08

Bush Administration created executive pay loophole - Raw Story
Bending the tax payer over and over and over.

Americans rich and poor pawn more to pay bills - Blacklisted News
People are pawning their tools, diamonds and guns for bills, business and boobs.

Another blow to NATO's supplies - Asia Times
Interesting how I did not see this in the mainstream western media. I guess they don't want to advertise the set backs too much.

Pakistani lorry drivers supplying Nato troops in Afghanistan go on strike - Times Online
Go figure

US accuses Britain over military failings in Afghanistan - Times Online
Send in more kids (soldiers).

Tim Minchin - The Guilt Song (Fuck the Poor)

Union Busters - Suburban Guerrilla
Maybe someone should say that the current 'crisis' is being used to bust the unions.

What not to wear at job interviews - Article
Choc full of 'training' material for you.

Capitalism Hits the Fan - Lecture by Professor Rick Wolff, Department of Economics at the University of Massachusetts - Amherst on October 7, 2008.

Capitalism Hits the Fan: A Marxian View from UVC-TV 19 on Vimeo.

World's first refrigerated BEACH to be built next to luxury hotel in Dubai - Story
The world food prices keep rising, more people are hungry but wait; the rich are still rich to obscene excesses.

VIDEO: Bush On Al Qaeda Not Existing In Iraq Before Invasion: ‘So What?’ - Blacklisted News
No surprise that Bush doesn't care anymore if we all know that it was an illegal war.

VIDEO: Cheney admits authorizing detainee's torture - Blacklisted News
And Cheney is bound to get a pardon.

NY Governor Paterson Proposes Soft Drink ‘Obesity Tax’ - Blacklisted News
Instead of banning the crap that is not good for your health, the hypocrites instead tax you to bleed you even more.

Shoe thrower 'beaten in custody' - BBC News
This is how they treat 'shoe terrorists'

Madoff millions vanish into thin air - BBC News
Is he a scapegoat? Sacrificing few to protect the many? I wonder what trail they are trying to throw us off of.

Serious security flaw found in IE - BBC News
"Users of Microsoft's Internet Explorer are being urged by experts to switch to a rival until a serious security flaw has been fixed." - I LOVE THIS - The browser that is built into your crappy operating system (Windoze) has great big holes in it, please use another until we fix it.
Get a real browser here
Make the switch to Linux now (try before you install).

Ecuador May Hit ‘True Monsters’ Harder Than Argentina - Blacklisted News
Rafael Correa says NO MORE - now if only the rest of the population would follow suit

Some great pics of the Greek riots

Legal Hurdle in Blagojevich Case: A Crime, or Just Talk? - NY Times
So what is going on?
Remember this?

Something fishy going on here.
And now impeachment
- Notice the speed that a lot of things are happening around us today?

Nearly 600,000 Canadian jobs would be lost with collapse of Big Three: report - CBC News
First comment I read - from Beaconsfield Ray - "Even more reason to ban all unions."
Amazing how the public can be programmed to hate unions.


Things I read today 15-12-08

White House Opposes FCC's Free Internet Plan - Story
"There shall be nothing free"
More on free Internet

Shoes thrown at Bush on Iraq trip - BBC News
Watch the video and 'listen' to Bush - "It's about getting attention"
More here on 'the barbaric act'

Lou Dobbs Show on Martial Law, Posse Comitatus

Sir Evelyn de Rothschild on CNBC

Talks about 'supervision', the 'oil rich nations' being quieted and that the greatest thing that Margaret Thatcher did was 'reign in' the unions.

Banks and consumers brace for new credit card rules - Blacklisted News
"They are expected to prohibit credit card companies from increasing rates at will, with some exceptions such as those that apply to people who fail to pay a bill within 30 days." - So once again the poor are going to be penalized.

After dangerous lull, war on climate change faces crunch year - Story
Another 'war' to numb the senses.

Cervical Cancer Vaccine Paralyses 12-Year-Old Girl - Blacklisted News
Still think that these 'vaccines' are to protect the children? No need for animal testing, the population is the test ground.

'Top-level' panel to pick new truth commission head: lawyer - CBC News
More propaganda from CBC. Note the name of the commission, then in the first line there must be the mention of the $60 million. Don't you feel warm and fuzzy knowing that they are spending that much to get to the 'truth' - "The [selection] process has been agreed upon," - by whom and why is it smaller than should be?

Iran says has proof of U.S.-UK backed terror group - Blacklisted News
U.S. and U.K. terrorists? Good that they hve some proof, too bad it will get discredited by the respective propaganda units.

Mumbai terror: truth unfolding - Blacklisted News
Gee, you think that blaming Pakistan within 24 hours was hasty? The media sure pushed it though.

Bush hails Afghan 'hopeful gains' - BBC News
More mind numbing propaganda about the 'assimilation' project - "Afghanistan is a dramatically different country than it was eight years ago," he added.
"It's in our interest that Afghanistan's democracy flourishes."

Sold as 'non-lethal,' Tasers killed 400 since 2001 - Raw Story
Doesn't sound very 'non-lethal' to me. What if it had been 400 dead from lead paint? How would the public react then? Just because it is cops, they let it go.

Aide: Blagojevich won't resign - Raw Story
He has not been 'charged' yet with anything but the public is already finding him guilty. Notice the 'crisis' thing again.

'Prophet': Obama won't make it to the White House - Raw Story
This is very possible with Bush using his 'continuance of government' to remain in power. But hey, that is a worse case.

Comment on Thomas Paine's Corner by John Hankson 12 Oct 2007 at 9:29 pm
Letter to Editor

Basically, the human race is divided into crooks, suckers, and lazy cowards. Lately, we have been assaulted by some of the most relentless crooks in history. Like every other con artist, they have learned how to make us feel special, since they know that “feeling special” is always the key to our wallet and our identity. Some feel special because they are white or related to pioneers. Others feel special because they are black and related to slaves. Some feel special because they warmed a chair in college, while others feel special because they wear a uniform, worship God, or have a baby. Republicans feel special because they belong to the business class. Democrats feel special because they belong to the working class.

Crooks feel special because they are puppet masters, and if they are lucky they can produce a whole class of suckers to work for them. The Bush crime family and the Republicans fall into this category. The Clintons and the Democrats are about the same. They are just puppets and puppet masters. And, the puppet masters keep their control by reminding their puppets that they are special. Phony politics is all fraternal stuff to make the politically active feel special.

On the other hand, real politics is always about hatred. It is a blood sport. Republicans hate Democrats and unions because they are afraid that they might lose their special right to steal. Democrats hate Republicans because they know that Republicans want to keep them ripe for the next harvest. The next harvest is usually a war, which makes every real American feel special.

Too bad we are not a nation with smarts

Freedoms eroded by H.R. 1955


Things I read today 14-12-08

Ah life

The prison industry in the United States: big business or a new form of slavery? - Article
Hey if we are to compete, we need our sweatshops. At least they're not children.

Does Capitalism work?

Pact targets Pakistan terror link - BBC News
Brown is taking the 'bush' role in the 'war on terror'. "wherever there was terrorism, it had to be fought" - sounds a lot like Bush.

Envy Driven Society - Aleksandar Dimishkovski
This is a common thought amongst people. That envy and competition are human nature.
"It is present in culture: no theater performance group or troupe of opera singers would exist had they known that they can't be recognized as the best in at least one respect, one area, or one country."
The poor brainwashed fool. Acceptance is why we are where we are today.

Defining Terrorism - by Dr. Steven Best
Great essay
Do we really know what it means? 'Terrorism' is very convenient to the M.I.C.

How to Save Detroit From Itself - Story
Bill Gates model? What is that? Getting a monopoly, squeezing out or buying competition, advocating false 'standards', making inferiour products because you have the monopoly? This is such a terrible propaganda piece.

Canada in the week since the Conservatives’ constitutional coup - Article
What has been happening in Canada since the 'ruler' stopped democracy.

Executive Order: Exclusions from the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program - White House
Bush just made a whole bunch of government departments 'protected' by declaring that their primary functions are 'intelligence, counterintelligence, investigative, or national security work'; makes them exempted from coverage under the Federal Labor-Management Relations Program.

Dr. Michael Parenti: "Terrorism, Globalism and Conspiracy"


Things I read today 13-12-08

OK, maybe a wee bit of brainwashing here

Assimilation and Accommodation
This is the home site of the image. Note the domain name.

How to Assimilate the American Culture - By expertelement
And maybe some here. Lifestyle
And just a whole bunch of it here. This is lemming central.

Pentagon mixed propaganda with PR, report finds - Blacklisted News
And some more here. We tell you the truth we want you to hear.

Michael Parenti - Is Bush A Failure?

Pakistan's military takes a big hit - Asia Times
There shall be no resistance to the 'Free Market System', all others are terrorists

Fed Refuses to Disclose Recipients of $2 Trillion - Blacklisted News
A 'secret' society must have its secrets. How can there be 'secret democracy?

Foucault Discipline and Punish quotes - by Neal Andrew
Go to jail, go directly to jail do not pass go, do not collect $200.

World 5.0 - Time for a reboot

Bank Of America Plans 35K Job Cuts - Blacklisted News
The layoffs continue, there goes another small city population.

1 dead after sacked employee opens fire at Vancouver Christmas party - CBC News
Love the wording of the Canadian propaganda machine: 'opened fire' - one man was killed. He went in and killed the one he intended.

Foes warned off 'testing' Obama - BBC News
Anyone spot that 'change' yet?

Ecuador defaults on foreign debt - BBC News
Go Ecuador, go. Go tell the World Bank to go F$%k themselves.

Investors reel at '$50bn fraud' - BBC News
Ha, ha, ha, ha and ha. Put the old man in jail, I wonder what is happening behind the scapegoat. This is funny as the banks with their 'credit crunch' was also about funds that were never really there. They also were involved in pyramid type of schemes and they got bailed out.

Russian hopes to cash in on ;-) - BBC News
Patents still making life ridiculous.

Militants torch 25 vehicles ferrying supplies to NATO forces - Times of India
Ah, some good news finally. Note the use of the word 'militant' - 4 times in the story and upon my reading ws 4 more in other links; 8 times on one page with a short story. Nope, no brainwashing here from India's propaganda machine.

Obama picks HUD secretary, encourages home ownership for poor - Raw Story
Love this:
"He knows that we can put the dream of owning a home within reach for more families, so long as we're making loans in the right way, and so long as those who buy a home are prepared for the responsibilities of homeownership," added the president-elect.

DoJ blocking Obama team from docs on torture, wiretapping - Raw Story
The 'secret democracy' denies the president elect.

Scientist dropped from climate delegation to save money: Prentice - CBC News
And yet more bull from CBC. Note the financial justification though as this will set precedents.

Evidence shows Khadr couldn't have thrown grenade in firefight: lawyer - CBC News
Read the comments and view the brain-dead Canadian thought pattern.


Things I read today 12-12-08

Nope, no brainwashing here.

Firecrackers trigger police lockdown at Montreal university - CBC News
As the public gets used to 'lock-down' it will become 'normal'. Be afraid.
More from CTV

Large airports infiltrated by crime groups, says RCMP report - CBC News
Be very afraid.

It was accident, says father of 2 girls who froze to death - CBC News
You WILL adhere to our way of life. Canada loves their witch hunts. Read the comments to get a sense of the average Canadian.

Gender-bending chemicals putting our future at risk - Blacklisted News
Maybe we will do something when the 'rulers' develop breasts.

World Bank warns of Great Depression II - Blacklisted News
Let it all crumble and fall; maybe we can make something out of the ashes. The sky is falling.

NY Times: The Big Three for ‘Wall St.’s New World Order’ - Blacklisted News
The taxpayer bankrolls the New World Order

Iran Captures CIA Terrorists - Blacklisted News
I always knew that the CIA was a terrorist group

Babylon's History Swept Away In U.S. Army Sandbags - Blacklisted News
History? Who cares, there's oil there. What a sad time we live in.

We've been in 'recession for 13 years:' native leaders tell Strahl - CBC News
And they've been getting F$%ked for even longer. Read comments.

U.S. automaker bailout package dies in Senate - CBC News
Fell through because the workers would not agree to their wage cuts. Read the comments, I love how they blame the workers.

More blame of the workers

This auto worker thing is nothing but an excuse to union bust

Alcatel-Lucent to cut 1,000 jobs; to reduce 5,000 contractors - Story
And more people loses their livelyhoods

Dell battles HP to trash Mother Earth - The Register
Check out the pictures of how these companies are shipping in huge boxes

Dr. Steven Best banned from the U.K.

Something light

Critics blast Harper's Senate stacking - Canoe News
And what's the 'Weasel' doing in the background?

Americans are 'financially illiterate' - survey - CNN Money
Debt is a product of your ignorance.

Engineers counter company's claim CBC Taser tests flawed - CBC News
Have to bring in their own 'experts' and we all know that 'engineer' is a buzz word. Gee, no lobbying here. Brainwashing? you decide.

Senate to Middle Class: Drop Dead ...a message from Michael Moore - mailing list
Friday, December 12th, 2008


They could have given the loan on the condition that the automakers start building only cars and mass transit that reduce our dependency on oil.

They could have given the loan on the condition that the automakers build cars that reduce global warming.

They could have given the loan on the condition that the automakers withdraw their many lawsuits against state governments in their attempts to not comply with our environmental laws.

They could have given the loan on the condition that the management team which drove these once-great manufacturers into the ground resign and be replaced with a team who understands the transportation needs of the 21st century.

Yes, they could have given the loan for any of these reasons because, in the end, to lose our manufacturing infrastructure and throw 3 million people out of work would be a catastrophe.

But instead, the Senate said, we'll give you the loan only if the factory workers take a $20 an hour cut in wages, pension and health care. That's right. After giving BILLIONS to Wall Street hucksters and criminal investment bankers -- billions with no strings attached and, as we have since learned, no oversight whatsoever -- the Senate decided it is more important to break a union, more important to throw middle class wage earners into the ranks of the working poor than to prevent the total collapse of industrial America.

We have a little more than a month to go of this madness. As I sit here in Michigan today, tens of thousands of hard working, honest, decent Americans do not believe they can make it to January 20th. The malaise here is astounding. Why must they suffer because of the mistakes of every CEO from Roger Smith to Rick Wagoner? Make management and the boards of directors and the shareholders pay for this.

Of course that is heresy to the 31 Republicans who decided to blame the poor, miserable autoworkers for this mess. And our wonderful media complied with their spin on the morning news shows: "UAW Refuses to Give Concessions Killing Auto Bailout Bill." In fact the UAW has given concession after concession, reduced their benefits, agreed to get rid of the Jobs Bank and agreed to make it harder for their retirees to live from week to week. Yes! That's what we need to do! It's the Jobs Bank and the old people who have led the nation to economic ruin!

But even doing all that wasn't enough to satisfy the bastard Republicans. These Senate vampires wanted blood. Blue collar blood. You see, they weren't opposed to the bailout because they believed in the free market or capitalism. No, they were opposed to the bailout because they're opposed to workers making a decent wage. In their rage, they were driven to destroy the backbone of this country, not because the UAW hadn't given back enough, but because the UAW hadn't given up.

It appears that the sitting President has been looking for a way to end his reign by one magnanimous act, just like a warlord on his feast day. He will put his finger in the dyke, and the fragile mess of an auto industry will eke through the next few months.

That will give the Senate enough time to demand that the bankers and investment sharks who've already swiped nearly half of the $700 billion gift a chance to make the offer of cutting their pay.

Fat chance.

Michael Moore


Things I read today 11-12-08

GLOBAL: More hungrier this year, maybe even more in 2009 - Story
But who would know with the 'financial crisis' and all.

India calls for UN ban on Pakistan charity over Mumbai - Story
There shall be no 'cause' without approval.

Air Force Seeks (Non Lethal) City Stopper - Blacklisted News
EMPs will rule. Electricity is life.

EU carbon trading system brings windfalls for some, with little benefit to climate - Blacklisted News
The carbon trading scam

Top court to rule on how $54B EI surplus is spent - CBC News
Harder to collect employment insurance; that's ok, there is no money left. Canada steals worker money.

BCE purchase declared dead - CBC News
They will privatize this company

Rats show the perils of sugar addiction, researchers say - CBC News
Sugar has no nutritional value; energy can be better aquired.

B.C. recall of pre-2006 Tasers based on 'flawed data': company - CBC News
Company: "Let us show you how to test these things"

Sit-In at Factory Ends With 2 Loan Agreements - NY Times
Funny how Bank of America is JPMorgan are at the center of this.

City gets 'crime-detecting' CCTV - BBC News
Fighting "Anti-social behaviour"

India announces security overhaul - BBC News
In "response to the public outcry", we shall take away liberties.

Indian court urged to 'ban Google Earth' - The Register
The 'reactionary' world at work. Be afraid.

Angela Merkel turns her back on green dream of EU - Story
But we just can't 'afford' to save the envirnment right now.

Government had right to spend EI surplus on programs, deficit: top court - CBC News
In making the collection of such needed assistance, the surplus was inevitable. The theft is now within the law. Canada, what will you put up with?

Tech industry asks Ottawa for $60B stimulus package - CBC News
Step right up ... get your 'package' here. Of course everyone could use a bailout. It should have happened from the bottom up, not top down.

Risk of 'substantial' rise in home foreclosures: Bank of Canada - CBC News
The sub-primes may not affect us but ... Anyone worried yet?

Carbon Dioxide (No S.U.V.’s) Detected on Distant Planet - NY Times
Ridiculing the 'climate crisis'; hope you get it.