
Things I read today 07-03-09

Stimulus funds will add 50 more cops in San Antonio - Story
More 'protecting' and 'serving' coming your way.

Harper tells Liberals to 'get out of the way and let that money flow' - CBC News
Are we going to have the same kind of 'accountability' as the US did?

Father of girls who froze to death faces sentencing - CBC News
Make sure to read the comments of the lynch mob - Comment of note:
How does our system have any relevance to them?
It's quite simple really. They're Canadian Citizens...subject to Canadian laws.
And this has nothing to do with racism. People claiming racism are just trying to hide the fact that they have no worthwhile argument as to WHY this piece of trash shouldn't be thrown in jail.
If anything...those claiming racism are being the bigots. They want him treated differently because of the colour of his skin.

Happiness is paying your taxes, study suggests - CBC News
That sense of 'satisfaction'. Nope, no brainwashing here.

The science of being happy - CBC News
Happiness is 'lowering your expectations'.

Tighter rules on 'premium' SMS charges needed: consumer group - CBC News
"Most of what UC proposes has already been addressed and implemented voluntarily by wireless carriers," said Rogers. - so regulations are not necessary. They love to tell us how the corporations 'voluntarily' do things to protect the consumer.

Health Canada finds bisphenol A in soft drinks - CBC News
Not just in baby bottles anymore.
More here


Things I read today 06-03-09

More military spending for our 'safety'.

Girl, 17, dies in Blue Mountain ski crash - CBC News
The dangers of nature.

Brown Claims He Is On Verge Of International Banking Regulation Agreement - Blacklisted News
And what the world needs now if more IMF power?

U.S. unemployment hits 8.1% as 651,000 jobs lost - CBC News
The number of 'livelihoods' lost is staggering.

Russia developing anti-satellite weapons, official says - Blacklisted News
The space race heats up.

Raytheon's new super-sensor can scan whole hemisphere from space - Blacklisted News
It's for the missiles.

One in 8 U.S. Households Late Paying or in Foreclosure - Blacklisted News
Homes lost.

Obama's Middle-Class Task Force Has No Middle Class - Blacklisted News
Are you 'middle class'?

TPC: flammes de l’enfer - By Vi Ransel
Always a great read.

TPC: We Have The Power - By Dave Warwak
See the raw stupidity ooze out of those in trusted positions.

TPC: The unsociable species, on the contrary, are doomed to decay - By Joseph Fasciani
Another good article.

Canada to acquire attack drones: air chief - CBC News
Canada is looking more and more like 'America light'. Supporting the Israeli MIC.


Things I read today 05-03-09

TPC: Twilight of the Machines - by John Zerzan
Great article.

Amazing "Solar Generator" Is Like Having A Secret Power Plant Hidden In Your Home!
Sounds like a good way to go.

Showcase: Playing The Banking Game: How Cash-Starved States Can Create Their Own Credit - By Ellen Brown
What's stopping us?

Canadians optimistic about home buying: RBC - CBC News
Bank survey tells us that we want to buy homes.

Chrysler laying off 1,200 in Windsor - CBC News
Anyone keeping a tally?

VIDEO - Dobbs: Obama setting up New World Order - Blacklisted News
A lot of NWO lately.

Blueprints for a Police State - Blacklisted News
But as per Obama, 'we are not looking back'.


Things I read today 04-03-09

America's Fiscal Collapse - by Michel Chossudovsky
Great article to get a true perspective of this 'financial crisis'.

TPC: Forget The Color Purple: Oprah’s all about the Green - By Jason Miller
Great article describing the superficial world that Oprah creates.

Underground Group Declares War on Western Industrial Civilization - TPC
Where do we go from here?

Designer Babies - Like It Or Not, Here They Come - Blacklisted News
The spawn of a narcissistic society.

Systemic Failure: Capitalism "Lays An Egg" - by Stephen Lendman
It's time to see capitalism for what it is and move towards a more humane system.

Bill Gates says Big Brother is key to improving teacher quality - Blacklisted News
I wonder if MS employees are under surveillance.

VIDEO: Glenn Beck Mentions FEMA Camps on Fox & Friends

Note that FEMA camps exist. Meeting of the morons.

Fed Eliminates Compensation Limits for TALF Program - Bloomberg
Claims it's because of 'incentive'.


Things I read today 03-03-09

Dziekanski was approaching, testifies RCMP officer who fired Taser - CBC News
Armed with a stapler and defiant.

TPC: Actions Speak Louder Than Words - by Derrick Jensen
Great article. What are you prepared to do to save life?

TPC: Sermon from the Corporate Church - By Peter Chamberlin
Another great article on the fall of the 'beast'.

CIA admits it destroyed 92 interrogation tapes - Raw Story
I guess calling it a 'cover up' would be a conspiracy theory.

Study: 7.3 million in U.S. prison system in '07 - CNN
Note the "budgetary effect".

The witching hour: Investors nervous as RRSP deadline looms - CBC News
Be afraid of the crisis - note the line "There is a lot of wholesale terror out there"

Gates says US military can help Mexico in drug war - Blacklisted News
Any troops going to be heading to Mexico?

Chicago Rushes Head First Into 'Limitless' Surveillance - Blacklisted News
For your 'security'.

Criminal responsibility debated before bus murder trial in Winnipeg - CBC News
Wanting to hold 'accountable' those of no mental capacity. No one can change and must be judged by their past. Read the comments of the Canadian lynch mob mentality.

OLC Authorized Pentagon to Ignore Bill of Rights On U.S. Soil - Blacklisted News
Will you accept it as 'legally' changing your rights?

FEMA's Citizen Corps Partners With United States Power Squadron - Blacklisted News
Power to the people or preparing a citizen army?

Dogs of War: Blue helmets and bottom lines - Blacklisted News
U.N. uses for profit security firms. Scary - "He also notes that the concept of the private sector profiting from peace operations has the potential to radically transform the very nature of peace operations, opening up all sorts of new options."

Sex patch effectiveness doubted - BBC News
Searching for the female 'Viagra' cash cow, while claiming to treat a 'disorder'.

Bank of Canada cuts key borrowing rate again - CBC News
Doesn't this look familiar?

SOCOM: the covert army of the US - Blacklisted News
Too many secrets.


Things I read today 02-03-09

TPC: The Pains of Awakening - By Sylvain Lamoureux
My latest blurb.

Of free speech? Where?

The Deep Politics of Hollywood - by Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham
Is it entertainment or propaganda? Nice article.

Chavez says Obama same as Bush on drug war - Raw Story
Note how it is written and that Venezuela doesn't get 'certified'.

Jobs you can do in paradise - CBC News
Go to another country and learn to work for less.

Chinese man bids but won't pay for looted bronzes - CBC News
Note the title and the wordings in the story - about being 'stiffed'. Also note the 'human rights' mention at the end. Thing is, that these were looted artifacts.

Foreign troops can't defeat Afghanistan's insurgency: Harper - CBC News
Putting the idea into Canadians that a 'pull out' in 2011 may not happen.

Pension bombs going off - Blacklisted News
Blaming the pension responsibilities for financial troubles.

AIG suffers $62B loss, bailout revamped - CNN
More money please.

Charles Moore: Sailing the Great Pacific Garbage Patch

Too funny - FDA Approves Depressant Drug For The Annoyingly Cheerful

Interpol issues arrest warrants for 15 Israelis for War Crimes - Blacklisted News
Will arrests be made?

EU leaders reject new economic bailout for eastern Europe - CBC News
No 'bail-out' for the 'manufacturing' arm of Europe.


Things I read today 01-03-09

Chavez threatens to expropriate Venezuelan rice processors - CBC News
Go Chavez go - read the comments.

MOD unveils future UK defence tech research plan - MOD
Robot wars coming your way - it's all about 'science' and 'innovation' - make sure to look around the site.

The U.S. Economy: Designed to Fail - by Richard C. Cook
There can not be constant growth.

The Philosophy of Liberty

Data on Obama's helicopter breached via P2P? - Story
And an Iranian IP must mean Iranian intelligence.

Obama's budget gives it to U.S. straight - Story
Because you're all 'grown ups' now.

UK: Mobile Prison Cells Will Cage Criminals On Beat - Blacklisted News
Nice- 'mobile urban jails' - should come in handy during 'civil unrest'.

US 'cell assault' video released - BBC News
Brutal video for 'shoe assault' - More protecting and serving.

After the Financial Crisis, Civil War? Get Ready to "Leave Your Region ..." - Blacklisted News
From crisis to war?

Adding Insult to Injury - by Elizabeth Schulte
The pains of unemployment in the system.