Obama’s open-ended bailout of the banks - WSWS
Looking into the lies and Obama.
Tories bring in mandatory sentences for serious drug crimes - CBC News
And the war on drugs comes to Canada. Oh yeah, for your own safety.
Canadian jets scrambled to intercept Russian bomber before Obama visit - CBC News
Be afraid of the big bad Russians.
Obama to Seek New Assault Weapons Ban - Blacklisted News
To curb the flow of weapons into Mexico.
Photo radar could make our roads safer - Story
A 'pilot' project or getting the public to accept? So much propaganda.
Citigroup’s Third U.S. Rescue May Not Be Its Last, Analysts Say - Bloomberg
And the public raping continues.
Things I read today 27-02-09
Universities need higher fees to get through recession: report - CBC News
Because it is not about the people. Make sure to read the dumb-ass comments.
PM expects opposition to 'parrot' critics of anti-gang measures - CBC News
PM uses childish techniques to convince your soft mind.
Mexico Sending 5,000 Troops to Juarez - Blacklisted News
A drug based civil war?
Prosecutor claims Iran/Contra whistleblower is a “danger” to society - Blacklisted News
A danger because - "he put an outrageous and erratic posting on his Web site"
Pentagon moves to impose secrecy on budget talks - Blacklisted News
Wouldn't want public money spending to come out into the open.
Great Depression Quotes 1929 vs 2008: Have We Learned Anything? - Article
History repeating itself. We learn nothing.
Joel Kovel fired from Bard College for anti-Zionism - Article
The suppression of education.
We Are All Slumdogs Now - Kenny's Sideshow
Nice little read.
'Enemy combatant' expected to be charged - LA Times
Seven years without charge.
Lost skiers fought off wolves to stay alive: brother - CBC News
Be afraid of 'out of bounds' - also like the by-line RCMP admit failure
CNBC Analyst: Global Bank, Global Currency Within 15 Years
Things I read today 26-02-09
UK's Fight against terror must mean the end of ordinary people's privacy, says ex-security chief - Blacklisted News
You shall have no rights unless we give them to you.
U.S. Army To Buy $6 Million Of Riot Equipment - Blacklisted News
Expecting civil unrest?
Antidepressant Drugs May Also Suppress Basic Human Emotions - Blacklisted News
Gee, ya think?
Tory crime bills will be 'welcomed,' says justice minister - CBC News
An increase in the war on drugs and gangs.
Expect mistakes in stimulus spending: Flaherty - CBC News
Gotta love this.
WTO Urges G20 To Fight Protectionism - Blacklisted News
We're all in this together.
Ron Paul: They’re Working On A One World Government!
Numerex Unveils Hybrid Tag Includes Active RFID, GPS, Satellite and Sensors - Blacklisted News
For the 'global supply chain'
Researchers develop 'wireless' activation of brain circuits - Story
Mind control?
UK recession: why your nest egg won't save you - Story
This is a great line - "I made responsible decisions not to be a burden on society"
Things I read today 25-02-09
The Great "Global Crisis of Maturity" and the New World Order - Blacklisted News
Interesting article.
Calcium Helps Ward Off Colon Cancer - Story
Keep drinking that milk.
Art appreciation 'a gender issue' - BBC News
Another 'separation' of the sexes.
Next up, wood burning ovens! - Story
Note that it would only affect the public not businesses but they would hope for a good concience.
North American markets surge, cheered by news from Fed - CBC News
Wee, what a joyful headline.
No time to assess Dziekanski before using Taser, Mountie testifies - CBC News
The police are 'reactive'.
Border Crosser Must Hand Over Laptop - Washington Post
Scientists discover the jealousy lobe - Blacklisted News
Interesting - "If you’re an envious person, you have a hard time appreciating a lot of the good things that are out there, because you’re too busy worrying about how they reflect on the self."
Ray Guns From Raytheon in Yachting Magazine - Blacklisted News
Radar or crowd control cannon as options?
Brzezinski warns of riots in US - Blacklisted News
Still has hope that the rich have a conscience and that they will save us? "voluntary national solidarity fund"
Warning for the West as crisis spills onto streets - Blacklisted News
Is civil unrest coming to a city near you?
There are now more slaves on the planet than at any time in human history - Blacklisted News
Products of capitalism?
Futuristic system analyzes body language to detect terrorists posing as tourists - Blacklisted News
Behaving differently could mean you're a terrorist.
Things I read today 24-02-09
GREANVILLE JOURNAL: Implicit Rick Santelli: “I’m not my brother’s keeper” - CJO/GJ
Every one out for themselves.
Warning Against Adverse Health Effects From the Operation of Digital Broadcast Television - Report
German study on the affects of the increased RF signals.
Judge finds Ahenakew not guilty in 2nd hate trial - CBC News
Judge does put in his two cents worth though.
Britain faces summer of rage - police - Blacklisted News
You can bet the 'known activists' will be watched. A lot of talk of civil dissent lately.
New casino program to help prevent problem gambling - Blacklisted News
Face recognition to keep you away from your addiction.
Online child abuse images warning - BBC News
Take 'control' of the Internet for the children.
Workers 'stealing company data' - BBC News
Those poor corporations - "so-called malicious insiders use the information to get a new job, start their own business or for revenge"
Clinton, Quigley, and the New World Order - Blacklisted News
Coincidence? NWO coming your way.
Hillary Clinton meeting wanting a 'new world order' 1984
Flaherty warns delay in passing budget will hurt economy - CBC News
Any of this sounding familiar? Note - "We need to create economic activity. We know the private sector is not doing so adequately." - funny though how it is not a free market problem.
Dziekanski's 'combative behaviour' justified Taser jolt: Mountie - CBC News
That poor cop, having to live through the threat of a stapler. COMPLY
Hospital refuses to treat father of dead Que. children - CBC News
The judgement has already been made.
Rivals want curb on nationalised Citi - Story
Sure, nationalize it, just don't take our profit away.
Why do we need economic growth? - BBC News
Thanks for explaining that (crap) - "If poverty is to be relieved and the rich are not to be made poorer, then growth is necessary"
Bailout of Germany’s Hypo Real Estate: A bottomless pit - WSWS
As the Germans follow the financial bailout line.
ICTU protest in Dublin: Workers angry over pension levy, jobs and wages - WSWS
Saving banks and screwing the public.
Tasers save lives, police associations say - CBC News Now called - All officers need Tasers, police associations say
Protecting and serving. It's Taser day at CBC.
Things I read today 23-02-09
Speeding, driverless Nissan finally stopped by US bombers - The Register
Robot cars being chased by bomber in training exercise. Jets practicing to take out moving cars.
At stake in Obama's Tuesday speech: momentum - Story
Note - "Now that he's achieved his first big initiatives, does he need to start building up confidence so consumers will start to spend?" - a consumer based economy?
In our opinion: Mortgage relief necessary, unfortunately - Story
This is a homeowner package? - "to provide incentives to mortgage lenders to spur them to help some 4 million borrowers on the verge of foreclosure" - Empty homes encourage criminal activity?
VIDEO: Lies, Damn Lies And Colin Powell
$50.3M lottery prize to be split 4 ways - CBC News
Telling you to buy more tickets to increase your chances and generate huge jackpots. - "whenever a jackpot gets this big, a huge number of tickets is sold, meaning almost every number combination is taken. He says that increases the chance a huge jackpot will be won." - never give up on hope. comment of note: Joe Calgarian wrote:Posted 2009/02/22 at 11:37 AM ET
Ontario and Quebec huh? I for one am truly shocked. Anyone want to bet the winners also work in convenience stores selling lotto tickets?
Microsoft aims to 'Elevate America' - Story
Locking them into Microsoft products.
Microsoft asks sacked workers to pay back cash - Story
Would you pay it back?
Seoul: N. Korean missile can hit U.S. bases - CNN News
Are you afraid? Note the first words - "Stalinist North Korea"
Iran is not the Problem
Microsoft backtracks on severance issue -
um, ok, keep the money then, oops. No bad publicity please.
Things I read today 22-02-09
TPC: Whom the GOP Serves - By Steven Jonas
Great article. Where do we start?
'Copwatch' activist catches Chicago officer roughing up bus passenger - Raw Story
Brutal video. All for a bus fare. Protecting and serving.
CJO-SHOWCASE: A Cri de Coeur from Bulgaria: The Dubious “Blessings” of Capitalism! - By Blagovesta Doncheva
A Bulgarian view of the virus called capitalism.
General Motors workers speak out against pay cuts - By Andre Damon
Great article about the workers and the 'concessions'.
Burned-out teachers skipping class in Quebec - CBC News
Read the comments - to privatize the school system.
Dispelling The Fear of Death - by Stephen Knapp
Interesting read.
The New Currency Trade: Gold Vs. All Else - by David Gaffen
Gold up means dollar down.
An Impending Geopolitical Earthquake? - by José Miguel Alonso Trabanco
What will happen in the wake of a financial meltdown?
Obama makes Ottawa his first foreign stop - By Keith Jones
Nice wrap up of the visit and the issues at hand.
Obama’s housing plan and the American ruling class - by Tom Eley
Great read explaining some nuances of the Obama plan. Move along, no change here.
Layoffs at Blackwater Worldwide / Xe - Story
Things are tough all over. Those poor mercenary.
TPC: Federal Authorities Arrest Peaceful Protesters - Thomas Paine's Corner
As the police state widens the protests go under-ground.
100,000 stage protest over Irish economy - CBC News
Are you ready to march?
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IMPEDIMENTA (or Buried Alive) - By Vi Ransel
The children are stuck.
Ron Paul to Bill Maher: America's War on Drugs must end
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GM workers denounce concession demands
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