
Things I read today 31-01-09

Obama unlikely to toughen Wall St. pay rules: report - Reuters
He scolded them and then does nothing to prevent it.

Mayor Bloomberg's budget riddled with 'if's', 'buts', and assumptions - Story
Isn't that how our timid and reactionary society lives every day?

9 treated after haz-mat scare in downtown Vancouver - CBC News
More fear for the public - "We are going to take it and examine it further in a lab … but there's nothing that is dangerous to the public here."

Banned from arena, teen pins his hopes on Don Cherry - CBC News
Be sure to follow the correct way to treat the rich and famous or you will be punished.

Obama administration reviewing 'Buy American' clause - CBC News
And the cry against 'protectionism' - note that it is yet another 'ism'

Geithner Enlists Goldman Sachs Lobbyist as Top Aide - Blacklisted News
Must be more of that 'change'.

Defense Department Establishes Civilian Expeditionary Workforce - Blacklisted News
The logistics of perpetual war.

Bad news: we're back to 1931. Good news: it's not 1933 yet - by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard
More crash to come.

Gordon Brown warns of void left by collapse of global financial system - Blacklisted News
The fear of protectionism as the global financial system evolves.

Rep: Foreclosed owners should squat in their own homes - Raw Story
Right on - 'Produce the note'

Ignatieff won't say if he'll discipline N.L. MPs who vote against budget - CBC News
"Discipline"? "Punish"? Must be an intimidation democracy.


Things I read today 30-01-09

Congress Seeks To Authorize & Legalize FEMA Camp Facilities - Story
Need places to 'detain' dissidents.

More Disturbing Legislation Emanating From Congress - Blacklisted News
More on the home-grown detention camps.

'Buy American' rule in U.S. stimulus bill could cost Canada jobs - CBC News
Canada worried for itself.

O'Reilly offers Rove place to hide from subpoena - Raw Story
Surprise, Fox wants to aid and abbet.

Obama blasts 'shameful' Wall Street bonuses - Raw Story
Too little, too late.

Despair spreads amid mounting job losses - Reuters
When the profits fall, the jobs be lost; what a system.

Boeing posts loss, announces 10,000 job cuts - Story
More 'town-sized' layoffs.

Starbucks to cut 6,700 jobs, close 300 stores - MSNBC
Even crappy jobs are affected.

Blagojevich is removed from office - LA Times
This with no concrete proof. What do you think, was he railroaded?

Amero Could Result from Crisis: ‘The New World Order Is Upon Us’ - Blacklisted News
I like this - "folks conditioned by the past and stunned by the present."

Genetically Modified Pigs to be Bred for Organ Transplant Harvesting - Blacklisted News
Because it wouldn't be right to breed humans for this.

WRAPUP 5-Japan's chip makers seek mergers to survive - Reuters
More mergers on the horizon?

US Special Forces Unconventional Warfare Operations: overthrowing governments, sabotage, subversion, intelligence and abduction, FM 3-05.201, Apr 2003 - Wiki Leaks
"Use of surrogate forces"

More than a million French workers protest economic conditions - Raw Story
There needs to be more of this.

Days before leaving office, Bush's lawyer told Rove not to turn over any documents - Raw Story
If this were a citizen that refused?

Too Big to Fail, Too Big to Jail - by Amy Goodman
As the politicians scurry.


Things I read today 29-01-09

Wake Up Call - Remastered Edition (NEW) - New World Order Documentary - 2008

You Tube Expands 9/11 Truth Purge - Article
As free speech disappears.

Cell Phones Can And Are Being Used As Bugs

U.N. crime chief says drug money flowed into banks - Story
When you can't get enough money out of the stone (tax payers).

Rational Fascism - By Michael Parenti
Know your history lest it repeats.

Ron Paul: Stimulus Packages Will Turn Recession Into A Depression

Bill Hicks - Revelations London (1993)

Barack Obama: The Naked Emperor - By David Icke
Well said David.

Supreme Court Rules That It Is OK To Frisk Passengers - Story
Not driving or doing anything wrong? Spread em'.

If Bush Isn't Guilt?...
US Media says those Seeking Bush Prosecution are "Driven by Revenge" - by Sherwood Ross
Good points all.

Bailout This!
The Stabilization of the Financial Sector: The Holy Grail of Economic Salvation - by Andrew Hughes
He said it best as "socializing the losses".

Battle at Kruger - This is what can happen when the masses get together.


Things I read today 28-01-09

Eat right when money is tight - US government SNAP program - PDF
This stuff is common sense. Read the pdf. Thanks Irena.

List of Tainted Peanut Butter Items Points to Complexity of Food Production - NY Times
Note that this affects the 'store brands' or cheaper brands. But the previous one wants us to buy store brands.

Food Stamps Challenge

UMTV Shopping With Food Stamps

World hunger 'near breaking point' - BBC News
When will we realize that necessities should not be 'markets'.

Hunger stalks many as crops fail and water wells dry up - Story
As the Earth heats and dries up.

Renegade dairy farmer takes on role as lawyer, defending himself - Story
Two dozen police because of the sale of dangerous substances? Milk, cream, etc. The Canadian system at work. Note the use of the word 'renegade' in the headline - this is to discredit the farmer in the mind of the reader. Propaganda.

Food and Agriculture Issues - Global Issues
Read and LEARN.

Indigenous of Oaxaca, Mexico Fight Legal Battle for Re-Possession of Their Land - Axis of Logic
The Indigenous peoples continue to get the capitalistic shaft.

Judge keeps NY prison conditions in terror case - Story
The case of the 'Raincoat Terrorist'.

Brits Shoot at UFOs, Ex-official Says - Story
Not enough wars on Earth, have to start an inter-planetary one. Welcome to Earth.

L.A. man upset over job kills wife, 5 kids, himself - CBC News
Things of note in this story: Although everyone is dead, there has to be a suspect; someone to blame. "Although the fax asserted that the woman was involved, police Lt. John Romero said Lupoe was the suspect in the murders." - this is even with "I just returned home and my whole family's been shot" - it must be the man who did it.
Read the comments

Obama U-turns for Raytheon

Senator Warns White House Will 'Create Crisis' and 'Panic' to Push Stimulus - Story
Isn't this the way Bush got his through?

Behavior Detection Officers To Be Deployed At Super Bowl - Blacklisted News
Suspect everyone.

Them and us child register: Politicians and celebrities can keep their details off a controversial new database - Blacklisted News
Nice how the rich can keep off the list. It's for the children.

He said: “We could view the threats and challenges we face today as the difficult birth-pangs of a new global order.”

IMF, World Bank Call For Global Stimulus - Blacklisted News
They claim to 'know' how to 'fix it'.

Pensioners refused wine over ID - BBC News
Where are your papers? - Thanks Irena

Tmsuk T-34 robot speaks softly, carries a big net - Story
Better than a taser.- Thanks Irena

eX-Sense - Your personal guide to the truth - Site
Personal lie detector to make sure your love is true - Thanks Irena

Lie detector maker sues Swedish scientists for "lies" - Story
Thanks Irena


Things I read today 27-01-09

Economic “Stimulus” Considerations - By Rowan Wolf
A great article and suggestions for a new beginning.

Derrick Jensen: Endgame Part One

Derrick Jensen: Endgame Part Two

Capitalism Snuffs out the Age of Enlightenment's Candle - by John Kozy
Great article if you like common sense. Read and THINK.

Canada's 75 Billion Dollar Bank Bailout - by Michel Chossudovsky
Time to read the TRUTH.

The New York Times’ Frank Rich: Obama is right—the people are to blame - By David Walsh
Another article worth reading which contains wisdom.

Canada: Vital lessons from last month’s political crisis - By Keith Jones
Some clarity to Canada's 'political crisis'.

Move to End "Internet Neutrality": Blow to Bloggers. "Ten Pin Strike against Political Freedom" - by Sherwood Ross
Save The Internet site

Some panhandlers making $400 a day: police - CBC News
Headline used to invoke jealousy and resentment. You will live our way or not at all - read the comments.

Elite Flock to Davos to Discuss Economic Crisis - Blacklisted News
The 'elite' to decide your fate; as always.

Michigan GM worker answers attack by New York Times columnist - By Jerry White
And as a whole, we let this happen. The con continues.

Get your freedom medals! - by John Pilger
Who else should get a Freedom Medal?

The Three Gestures of Becoming Aware - From the interview with Francisco Varela
Good points to follow.

"A power greater than their hoarded gold" - by Adam Turl
Great article - Anatole France put it, "The law, in majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets and to steal bread."

The biggest swindle of all - by Alan Maass
The scapegoats hide the larger thefts.

The Harper (Pathetic, But Costly) Economic Comedy Routine - Another Point of View
The Weasel is still up to his tricks, witht he support of the Queen.

Elderly Quebec man to serve incest sentence in seniors home - CBC News
Punish them all - no one changes or makes mistakes - read the comments to get the 'witch hunt' attitude of Canadians.


Things I read today 26-01-09

Sky refuses to air Gaza aid appeal - Story
"on grounds of journalistic impartiality" - the biggest lie.
More here

Blagojevich says his trial is 'rigged' - LA Times
The scapegoat won't have a chance.

Pfizer 'to buy Wyeth for $68bn' - BBC News
This can't be good.

ING Group to Cut 7,000 Jobs - NY Times
The bank with no branches cuts employees.

Iraq to Reopen Notorious Abu Ghraib Prison - Blacklisted News
A place for Gitmo prisoners maybe? There is a lot to be gained from a re-name; just ask L.G.

NDP delays legislation to end York University strike - CBC News
Look at the title and read the article. - To discredit the NDP and Unions.
Comment of note:
ChristopherR wrote:Posted 2009/01/26 at 6:23 AM ET
Get rid of unions and let people work!
NDP supports unions. Don't vote NDP if you don't want unions around. They don't work in todays economy.
Let me say it again. Unions DO NOT work for todays economy.

Obama's team turn to EU bank for inspiration - Blacklisted News
How many 'inspirations' will he have from the EU? Note that this is money that is being 'lent' to fix infrastructure. Should not infrastructure be under the tax system to begin with and already have plans ?

China slams US currency manipulation claims - Blacklisted News
Pissing off the Chinese; I think they should call in their I.O.U.s

Evo Morales hails 'new Bolivia' as constitution is approved - Story
I wish him and Bolivia the best.

Revealed: Labour lords change laws for cash - Blacklisted News
No corruption here. Business 'owns' the law makers.

Canada's Military-Media Complex - by Anthony Fenton
This sounds familiar, where did I hear of such stuff? Oh yeah, the U.S. political debacles. We are not different.

US companies cut 45,000 jobs even before stock market opens - Raw Story
More job losses. And the number keeps rising.


Things I read today 25-01-09

What are WE afraid of? - by Sylvain Lamoureux
My latest writing.

Capitalism’s Self-inflicted Apocalypse - by Michael Parenti
As always, a good analysis of the 'system' and its collapse.

TPC: “Class Struggle” - by Steven Jonas, MD, MPH
SEE what is in front of you. Great article.

The American Lunatic Asylum - by Sherwood Ross
Release the luinatics.

Venezuela and Argentina sign Raft of Bilateral Agreements - Global Research
I like this.

Moscow denies NATO access to Afghanistan - Global Research
I like this even more. "otherwise they may have to withdraw from the region"

France to give free newspaper subscriptions to teens - Story
All this instead of moving away from paper based news. Why can't they just let things die, oh yeah, because there is money tied to it.

Embattled film, TV industry seeking sweeter tax credits - CBC News
More tax breaks for the rich.

No bailout - Russians get cheaper vodka instead. Government to cut alcohol taxes in half to help ease the citizens pain. - Blacklisted News
We get drunk, it over soon.