
Things I read today 17-01-09

Nervous Energy - by John Higham

Not Obscure - by John Higham

Canada suffers 34,400 more job losses - The Canadian
That is a lot of people out of work.

Monsanto is ready to round up seed patent violators - Story
Thanks Irena

Big Oil companies could bail out U.S. Automakers - by Iain Mackenzie

Barack Obama’s message of Hope: To be or Not to Be - by Dr. John Singh
We shall see what happens.

Washington Mobilizes 42,500-Strong Security Force for Inaugural - Blacklisted News
All I see is fear.

US military may “forced to intervene” if Mexico collapses - Blacklisted News
Go figure.

Transit police officer injured, Taser used on fare evader during scuffle - CBC News
All for a $3 fare. Read the comments.
Notable comment of disgust: billy the k wrote:Posted 2009/01/17 at 12:07 AM ET
Good for the cops for doing their job. It's not about the 2.50fare, rather the principal of the law. If you resist the cops you will and should get tasered. If you are doing nothing unlawful you don't have to worry about getting tasered. Don't get physical with them if you don't want to get tasered.

$2,000 compensation for Taser incident an insult: Kelowna senior - CBC News
The price of taser?

Relief coming to middle class: PM - CBC News
The Weasel tries to buy people before parliament resumes.

Check your credit rating for mistakes, expert urges - CBC News
Be afraid of your rating. Again to make credit important in the publics mind.

2 teens charged in plot to attack Manitoba schools, church - CBC News
Jusified? Or just more thought crimes?

Israeli soldiers posed as Gazans
And then the story disappeared. Good thing someone had a screenshot.

Globalization: The Long and Winding Road - By Dana Gabriel
More here on dead TTC
This happens all the time with defeated bills.

Internet to Obama: 'Pass the joint' - The Register
The people have spoken, they want to be smokin'. End the 'war on drugs' and release the prisoners.


Things I read today 16-01-09

Bush Declares a State of Emergency for Obama Inauguration - Blacklisted News
Doesn't Bush get 'Super Powers' during a State of Emergency?

Canada’s top CEOs reach new pay high -by Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Because we are sooo different than the U.S.

Congress Aims to Take Back Constitutional War Powers - Blacklisted News
"I do not favor requiring every single executive agreement to be individually approved by Congress - that would be too cumbersome," - is democracy too 'cumbersome?

New Toy Trains Star Wars Fans To Use The Force - Blacklisted News
A new shiny distraction.

Well done on piecing things together.

World bids farewell to 'Bush-isms' - Raw Story
There are still a few days to get more.

Washington's homeless told to move along for inauguration - Raw Story
Must be more of that 'change' that was coming.

Feds Cite Racist Chatter for 'Higher State of Alert' in Inauguration - Blacklisted News
Must be those racist homeless people taht are the threat.

City of Madison, Wis. Eyes Draconian Zoning Ordinances to 'Adapt to Climate Change - Blacklisted News
I was reading this and thinking: Why the use of the word Draconian? Then I read about the source. Check out the source

Japanese cities raiding remains of the dead for precious metals - Blacklisted News
This is what 'civilized' society has been reduced to.

VIDEO: CFR Boss Richard Haass on Colbert - Blacklisted News
'One world to rule them all'.

Government giving $20 billion to Bank of America - Story
"struggles to digest the acquisition of Merrill Lynch" - as the banks consolidate with your money and get even more powerful.

Shocking Video Unearthed 1999 Attorney General Eric Holder Testimony On FALN Terrorists Clemency - Here is Obama's Attorney General pick - states "the power of the president is absolute here" - hmmm

Hate-mongers taint anti-Israel protests - Story
If it's deemed 'anti-semite' it is no longer 'free speech' - It is OK to 'hate' a country that is collectively punishing another and killing them off. Don't let the government tell you how to think. So called 'hate speech' is just a way to control you, one cannot incite hate - hate is a feeling that is personally attained.

Chronology: Which Side Violated the Israel-Gaza Ceasefire? - Global Research
You decide.

Bush defends record; acknowledges mistakes

Watch him when the question is first asked. Seems to rely on 'historians' to view him better.


Things I read today 15-01-09

World Economic Forum: Better global governance needed in 2009 - Blacklisted News
There is a need for better global governance, but not the way that the moneyed elites would like. - let's think about "China experiencing a slow down". DUH. They make the crap that the world buys, the world is in recession or heading towards it; you do the math.

Report: U.S. Surveillance Society Running Rampant - Blacklisted News
This model has been tested in the UK for years and now is just progressing throughout the 'civilized world'. How much will you put up with?

The Fine Art of Criticism
Great article.

Bush: 9/11, Two Wars, Katrina: "We Had Fun" - Blacklisted News
Are we not all glad that 'he had fun'? Is that not life?

Fireplaces and woodburning stoves under fire - Story
"The particles released through woodburning are known to be a leading cause of winter smog, and the city of montreal wants to do something about it." - Quote some study that has your view and tell the people that you are going to help. This is but a ruse to make sure that the inhabitants of Montreal are more dependant on gas, oil and electricity.

Unusually Large U.S. Weapons Shipment to Israel: Are the US and Israel Planning a Broader Middle East War? - by Michel Chossudovsky
I wonder how soon they Iranian campaign will begin?

Trilateral Plan to Corner World Gold Market? - By Patrick Wood
I was wondering why gold had retreated in its gains.

Michel Chossudovsky: Canada and the Afghan War 10/28/06 University of Winnipeg

TPC: “A Radical Revolution of Values”: Dr. King’s Most Important (And Dangerous) Speech - By Ed Ciaccio
What is needed in these times.

Canada heading into 9-month recession: Conference Board - CBC News
The Canadian propaganda machine does it again with phrases such as: "global economic tsunami" - to associate the financial crisis as a natural occurrence.
THINK for yourself.

Ron Paul Scolds Bernanke For Skipping Congressional Financial Hearings - Blacklisted News
Secret meetings with European central bankers.

More Than a Good Feeling: Why are so many oligarchs, royal families, and special-interest groups giving money to the Clinton Foundation? - Blacklisted News
The change is looking suspiciously like the same-old same-old.

Bailouts could backfire, World Economic Forum warns governments - Blacklisted News
Now they tell us. Seems to me all this 'bail-out' crap was rushed through in order to not give anyone the chance to think.

Integrate Economic Activities, World Bank Tells Nations - Blacklisted News
No use resisting; you will be assimilated.

China becomes world's 3rd-largest economy - Blacklisted News
I wonder where it would rank if it called in the $260 Billion or so in debt that the U.S. owes.

Financial Coup d’Etat & Your 401(k) - Blacklisted Newss
The fleecng contiues as money 'disappears'.

Things I read today 14-01-09

A Big Easy North American Union

Chorus call for New World Order - Patrick Wood
The 'old boys' are back and saying that it is not a crisis.

Henery Kissinger: The chance for a new world order - Blacklisted News
Kissinger again.

New World Order Is Almost In Place - Lee Rogers
Playing the public into accepting.

Connie Fogal On The Corporate North American Union

Mind Control: America's Secret War

John Pilger - The New rulers of The World

"We got it wrong, we're going to get it wrong, but less than those that are not economists." - This is from the chief economist at the World Bank
And according to Stanley Fischer, the first deputy managing director of the IMF - "economies that do not get integrated into the World Economy are "corrupt" economies".
Get Space Command here .pdf

CBC Police incite protest violence, 24 Aug 2007

Quebec father asks court to clarify parental rights in grounding case - CBC News
Should have told courts to go f%ck themselves. Why are we just accepting of this stupidity?

Bernanke: U.S. Financial Crisis Worse than Japan's Lost Decade, but We'll Still Copy the Japanese Playbook, Even Though It Didn't Work - Blacklisted News
With some of the recent information that we know, it would not be difficult to deduce that this is happening by design in order to scare the populous into accepting the NAU, the Amero and a financial New World Order.

No need for condoms – GE corn can do the job - Blacklisted News
More news that GM foods are bad; maybe this could be used as population control.

Israel Says Hamas Is Damaged, Not Destroyed - NY Times
Was that not the Nazi problem with the Jews? That they were not destroyed? I like how they refer to this as a 'war' as if there are two sides doing and sustaining damage.

Treasury Department Can Help Fight Global Warming, Says Paulson - Blacklisted News
Make sure that the populous believes in 'the markets and that Paulson is "crazy on the environment, like Al Gore" so that he can come back and haunt the American people in a different role.

'Visions link' to coffee intake - BBC News
I might have to start drinking coffee. - note how they explain everything away. If it were something else they would not hesitate to attack it and cut it to shreds. Storys like this are great for comparing to other storys like this. Let us not forget that coffee is big business.


Things I read today 13-01-09

Some videos to start the day, so sit back and watch.

Vandana Shiva Lecture

The Venus Project part 1

The Venus Project part 2

No Utopia

Jacques Fresco in Future by Design

Jacque Fresco - Larry King Interview, 1974

The Venus Project - Future By Design - torrent

Ontario police charge club, employees in Muskoka traffic deaths - CBC News
This is what Canada is about; even when the perpetrators are dead, there still needs to be blame.

Bush says U.S. moral standing not diminished under his watch - CBC News
Denial and outright lies.
More here
Note the - with a lengthy and personalized thank-you to the reporters - this is to thank the propaganda machine without which, non of the past 8 years could have been possible.

UN chief to meet Mideast leaders as Gaza conflict continues - CBC News
Note the use of 'Gaza conflict' instead of 'Israeli invasion'.

Obama Says Recession Requires Scaling Back Promises - Blacklisted News
I wonder, is it because the current 'crisis' took us by 'surprise'?

NAU Integration Admitted By Manitoba Govt

NAU Super Highway


Things I read today 12-01-09

Iran Moved Billions via U.S. Banks - NY Times
Making a case for the 'future' war.

US plans massive arms delivery to Israel - Blacklisted News
Funny how the U.S. can fund Israeli terrorism but give 2 dollars to the Tamil Tigers and see what happens. The world, their way.
More here

Revealed: the environmental impact of Google searches - Blacklisted News
So now the Internet is bad for the environment?

Gordon Brown's Decision To Sell Half Of UK's Gold Cost 5 Billion - Blacklisted News
As the U.K. aims to 'seel public assets. Sounds familiar.

Israeli Defense Force: "For Us Being Cautious Means Being Aggressive" - Blacklisted News
Can't loses too many soldiers; bad for Israeli morale and support.

Introduction to Terminator Technology - Ban Terminator
This is how 'evil' corporations and governments are.

Patents by Monsanto

TERMINATOR Versus PREDATOR - GMO Sex War - Zeitgeist Seeds

TERMINATOR Versus PREDATOR - GMO Sex War - Zeitgeist Seeds - A funny movie is a click away

Tax abatement being considered for Monsanto Seed's expansion - Story
Tax breaks for Monsanto

Monsanto still plants seeds of success - Story
Profits up more than 50% for Monsanto.

Monsanto: Latin America Boost - Story
If you can't control them through the IMF then why not through seeds.

Howard Lyman - Mad Cowboy

The World according To Monsanto - torrent

Monsanto Tried to Block Austrian Government Funded Research Showing GE Corn Causes Infertility - Article
Thanks Irena.


Things I read today 11-01-09

The Great Conspiracy - 1:10:22 - Nov 5, 2005

War and Globalization - The Truth Behind September 11 - Michel Chossudovsky Sept. 23, 2003

The Daily Left - Palin Blames Media For Her Defeat

N. Orleans cops shoot man 12 times in the back - Raw Story
Sure are a lot of shootings in the back by cops.

Expert: Obama paired with Spiderman creates high expectations - Raw Story
Captain Hope & Change

Cheney, in last days in office, still hopes to catch bin Laden - Raw Story
Didn't Bin Laden die? Don't we know this is about strategic control of land and resources?

St. Louis police, federal agents, will team together to fight violence - Blacklisted News
"zeroing in on those most likely to commit them." - the witch hunt continues.

Japan: Tent Village Established in Tokyo for Unemployed People - Blacklisted News
"Victims of the economic downturn" - not the system and its flaws.

Calif. man charged for threatening Obama's life over Yahoo - Raw Story
More thought crimes.

White House: Increase in terror attacks since 9/11 a success - Raw Story
note the "at least it's not here" attitude.

AIPAC Praises U.S. Senate Support Of Israel - Blacklisted news
The propaganda continues.

Wireless Power Electrifies CES - Blacklisted News
Some cool stuff but I wonder what an increase in the presence of electromagnetic fields would have on the environment.

Carol Browner Is An Environmental Radical And Socialist - Blacklisted News
Blurring the lines.

Europe's economy contracts at rates not seen since 1930s - Blacklisted News
Global economy - global crash