
Things I read today 15-01-09

World Economic Forum: Better global governance needed in 2009 - Blacklisted News
There is a need for better global governance, but not the way that the moneyed elites would like. - let's think about "China experiencing a slow down". DUH. They make the crap that the world buys, the world is in recession or heading towards it; you do the math.

Report: U.S. Surveillance Society Running Rampant - Blacklisted News
This model has been tested in the UK for years and now is just progressing throughout the 'civilized world'. How much will you put up with?

The Fine Art of Criticism
Great article.

Bush: 9/11, Two Wars, Katrina: "We Had Fun" - Blacklisted News
Are we not all glad that 'he had fun'? Is that not life?

Fireplaces and woodburning stoves under fire - Story
"The particles released through woodburning are known to be a leading cause of winter smog, and the city of montreal wants to do something about it." - Quote some study that has your view and tell the people that you are going to help. This is but a ruse to make sure that the inhabitants of Montreal are more dependant on gas, oil and electricity.

Unusually Large U.S. Weapons Shipment to Israel: Are the US and Israel Planning a Broader Middle East War? - by Michel Chossudovsky
I wonder how soon they Iranian campaign will begin?

Trilateral Plan to Corner World Gold Market? - By Patrick Wood
I was wondering why gold had retreated in its gains.

Michel Chossudovsky: Canada and the Afghan War 10/28/06 University of Winnipeg

TPC: “A Radical Revolution of Values”: Dr. King’s Most Important (And Dangerous) Speech - By Ed Ciaccio
What is needed in these times.

Canada heading into 9-month recession: Conference Board - CBC News
The Canadian propaganda machine does it again with phrases such as: "global economic tsunami" - to associate the financial crisis as a natural occurrence.
THINK for yourself.

Ron Paul Scolds Bernanke For Skipping Congressional Financial Hearings - Blacklisted News
Secret meetings with European central bankers.

More Than a Good Feeling: Why are so many oligarchs, royal families, and special-interest groups giving money to the Clinton Foundation? - Blacklisted News
The change is looking suspiciously like the same-old same-old.

Bailouts could backfire, World Economic Forum warns governments - Blacklisted News
Now they tell us. Seems to me all this 'bail-out' crap was rushed through in order to not give anyone the chance to think.

Integrate Economic Activities, World Bank Tells Nations - Blacklisted News
No use resisting; you will be assimilated.

China becomes world's 3rd-largest economy - Blacklisted News
I wonder where it would rank if it called in the $260 Billion or so in debt that the U.S. owes.

Financial Coup d’Etat & Your 401(k) - Blacklisted Newss
The fleecng contiues as money 'disappears'.

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