
Things I read today 16-01-09

Bush Declares a State of Emergency for Obama Inauguration - Blacklisted News
Doesn't Bush get 'Super Powers' during a State of Emergency?

Canada’s top CEOs reach new pay high -by Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives
Because we are sooo different than the U.S.

Congress Aims to Take Back Constitutional War Powers - Blacklisted News
"I do not favor requiring every single executive agreement to be individually approved by Congress - that would be too cumbersome," - is democracy too 'cumbersome?

New Toy Trains Star Wars Fans To Use The Force - Blacklisted News
A new shiny distraction.

Well done on piecing things together.

World bids farewell to 'Bush-isms' - Raw Story
There are still a few days to get more.

Washington's homeless told to move along for inauguration - Raw Story
Must be more of that 'change' that was coming.

Feds Cite Racist Chatter for 'Higher State of Alert' in Inauguration - Blacklisted News
Must be those racist homeless people taht are the threat.

City of Madison, Wis. Eyes Draconian Zoning Ordinances to 'Adapt to Climate Change - Blacklisted News
I was reading this and thinking: Why the use of the word Draconian? Then I read about the source. Check out the source

Japanese cities raiding remains of the dead for precious metals - Blacklisted News
This is what 'civilized' society has been reduced to.

VIDEO: CFR Boss Richard Haass on Colbert - Blacklisted News
'One world to rule them all'.

Government giving $20 billion to Bank of America - Story
"struggles to digest the acquisition of Merrill Lynch" - as the banks consolidate with your money and get even more powerful.

Shocking Video Unearthed 1999 Attorney General Eric Holder Testimony On FALN Terrorists Clemency - Here is Obama's Attorney General pick - states "the power of the president is absolute here" - hmmm

Hate-mongers taint anti-Israel protests - Story
If it's deemed 'anti-semite' it is no longer 'free speech' - It is OK to 'hate' a country that is collectively punishing another and killing them off. Don't let the government tell you how to think. So called 'hate speech' is just a way to control you, one cannot incite hate - hate is a feeling that is personally attained.

Chronology: Which Side Violated the Israel-Gaza Ceasefire? - Global Research
You decide.

Bush defends record; acknowledges mistakes

Watch him when the question is first asked. Seems to rely on 'historians' to view him better.

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