
Things I read today 11-04-09

TPC: Prayer for the Dying: The Thing Worse than Rebellion - by Jason Miller
Conversing with those of no thought.

TPC: Trinkets of Jollification and the Banality of Evil: - by Frank Joseph Smecker
A joyous romp through Toys-R-Us. Great read.

The Vertical Farm Essay I - By Dickson Despommier
Shortage of space? Grow it upwards. Great way to look forward.

B.C. gives naturopaths right to prescribe drugs - CBC News
Certification to 'prescribe' vitamins? This is a step in classifying vitamins as 'drugs'.

Pratt & Whitney cutting 500 jobs - CBC News
More jobs, more lives; more to come.

Pentagon Preps for Economic Warfare - Blacklisted News
Further 'tying' the economic system with national 'security'.

Russia test fires intercontinental missile - Blacklisted News
Nothing like an arms race to spur the economy.

Throngs of Thai protesters storm Asia leadership summit - Raw Story
Victory for the protestors.
Note the very different propaganda style writing from the CBC article

HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb) Cybernetic Suit - Article
Ready or not, cybernetics is coming.


Things I read today 10-04-09

Geothermal Power Could Meet World’s Annual Energy Needs 250,000 Times Over - Article
So why are funds not being directed there?

Reality TV's latest wheeze: make US workers compete to keep jobs - Blacklisted News
As long as it isn't 'me'.

Jobless rate climbs to 7-year high of 8% - CBC News
That's just the 'official' number as they don't count 'part-time'.

Trash search doesn't violate privacy rights, says top court - CBC News
Police can go through your garbage.

Glenn Beck Fails Miserably To Debunk Facts On FEMA Camp Infrastructure - Article
People will refuse to believe it until they are put into them.

Isn't this the direction we took? Everyone for themselves.

Filling the Skies with Robot Assassins: The Drone Wars Have Begun - by Tom Engelhardt
Great article on UAVs, war and the 9 to 5 of war that is developing. What will the future hold?


Things I read today 09-04-09

Video shows London police assaulting man just before his death at G20 protest - Raw Story
Serving and protecting. - Video here

FACT CHECK: Do smokers cost society money? - Article
So right and so wrong. This is the type of mentality - "We were actually quite surprised by the finding because we were pretty sure that smokers were getting cross-subsidized by everybody else"

Traces of explosives in 9/11 dust, scientists say - Story
Still holding onto the dream?

Fusion center declares nation's oldest universities possible terror threat - Blacklisted News
Are they watching you?

Bill Lets Obama Turn Off the Internet - Blacklisted News
Where did my Internet go?

German car scrap scheme expands - BBC News
Auto bailout German style.

Who Should Resist, and Who Will Become Serfs? - By Chris Hedges
Are you ready to fight for your freedoms?

Cyberspies Penetrate U.S. Electrical Grid, Leave Software That Could Disrupt System - Blacklisted News
Then it must be a good thing that 'saviour' Obama can protect us by switching off the Internet to protect us from those Chinese or Russian spies.

Obama Looks at Climate Engineering - Article
Because that is what we need, to 'engineer' the planet's weather systems.

Ex-FDA official calls for harmonized food-safety strategy - Blacklisted News
We have another 'crisis' - food safety. Get ready for more pro corporate laws.

Moore downplays reports of broadcast bailout - CBC News
Must have clued into the fact that the public figured out it was a 'bailout'.

Alleged Iranian Nuke Smuggling Plot Involving New York City Banks Uncovered - Fox
Fox aides in the war mongering effort against Iran. Be afraid.

Moldova: Romania to blame for Twitter riots - CNN News
The 'fight' against 'communism'.

The Wrap: Quick resigns over counter-terrorism blunder - Story
And the people focus on the lapse in 'security' and 'secrecy'.


Things I read today 08-04-09

Credit card debt could be next crisis, experts say - Story
Thank you Captain Obvious.

Earthquakes remain unpredictable disasters, experts say - Story
The Italian government was right to ignore the prediction says experts.

Experts say anyone can be target of clever con artists - Story
Maybe people won't take it too bad when they discover that this is all a con.

B.C. cops shut down Facebook group - Story
Because 'we' deem them 'terrorists' - the Internet seems like a great place to get 'caught'.

Quebec dad sued by daughter after grounding loses his appeal - CBC News
Division of family, parental 'rights' and enough stupidity to last a lifetime.

Toxic debts could reach $4 trillion, IMF to warn - Story
Who is all this money owed to? Enough money to save the world.

Hundreds of Thousands of Unemployed Run Out of Benefits - Blacklisted News
What will happen if they get 'hungry'?

Cities Collapsing throughout the USA - Blacklisted News
As the US dies it will be sold for pennies on the dollar.

The Oprah in-school suspension method. Teaching them young to fear non-conformity.

Growing threat from cyber attacks: US general - Raw Story
Watch the loss of the Internet as we know it. Fear and laws coming your way.

Tories mull $150M in aid for private TV broadcasters - CBC News
Bailout alert. Must support the propaganda industry.

DougCo Hopes Texting Will Make Schools Safer - Story
Molding the kids to spot non-conformist behavior.

The Meter Is Running - Article
It was because of their own poor planning that you have to pay more. Nice thing about free market, the consumer always pays in the end.


Things I read today 07-04-09

On Technology And Poverty

Earth: Urban Farms Grow Up - Discovery
Feeding the masses locally.

Lawyers face jail sentence for writing letter to Obama detailing their client's allegations of torture - Blacklisted News
Ask for information and go to jail?

1,800 workers face summer closure of Rio Tinto Quebec subsidiary - CBC News
And it will only be for the summer because that's when the economy will bounce back.

Canada's outlook grows gloomier: think tank - CBC News
It's like a yo-yo.

Following Bush lead, Obama moves to block challenge to wiretapping program - Raw Story
Obama still protecting Bush policies and staffers.

Italy muzzled scientist who foresaw quake - Reuters
This man was a scientist and seeing as "there is no way to predict earthquakes" we should just stop trying and close the door on that chapter of science.
More here

A.P. Seeks to Rein in Sites Using Its Content - Blacklisted News
It's not news. it's profit.

Cash-Strapped Auto Owners Illegally Ditch Cars - Story
Don't get caught. Don't forget that the 'crisis' that we are in at the moment is in itself 'criminal'.

45 arrested at UQÀM sit-in - Story
Charges of "trespassing provoking assault" - does this mean that they can be charged for being beaten by police? Making sure to fear the populous into conformity. Rebellion will get you into trouble.

Spray for 'six times longer' sex - BBC News
All praise, big pharma has done it again. Bad sex no more. Distraction.

Expert: Parents kill kids to 'protect them' - Story
This is good to get people to watch their 'friends'. Look for 'signs'.

Scientists say Obama gets it, and Canada doesn't - Story
When those 'in charge' can't think.

Reducing dependence on foreign oil will not happen overnight, experts say - Story
Take a phrase that sounds logical and place experts at the end. Saying that alternative energy is in its 'infant' stage is not accurate.


Things I read today 06-04-09

Expose the Crooks. Take This Viral - By Rowan Wolf
Make sure to watch the videos.
More here

TPC: The Worsening U.S. Failure - By Emily Spence
Nice article on the things to come.

Washington state man suspected of killing 5 children - CBC News
I love the headline. The 'suspect' is also dead but this gives us the impression that our 'justice' goes beyond the grave.

Obama Praises Ataturk for Putting Turkey on ‘Path to Democracy’ - Bloomberg
More lies about 'democracy' - capitalism is not democratic.

Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center Catastrophe - Global Research
Still wonder why they rushed away all the evidence? Stop living in denial.

Montreal West enacts new measures to crack down on graffiti - Story
A 'law' against carrying paint cans or markers and forcing those that like the graffiti (building owners) to clean it. They should paint the entire city in graffiti.

EU Creating 60,000-strong joint EU military reaction force to police the world's trouble-spots - Blacklisted News
The EU police force? For trouble spots? World police EU?

TPC: Collapse Psychosis: Navigating The Madness - By Carolyn Baker
Great article - know what the madness is about as it continues to increase.

WSWS: Three more mass shootings in the US - By David Walsh
As the madness continues - what a weekend.

Galloway a victim of Canada's baffling approach to fighting terror - By Robert Fisk
Canada a control state.

Net firms start storing user data - BBC News
The surveillance society grows.

Earthquake Warning Was Removed From Internet - Article
Removed for 'spreading alarm'.

Tech consumers frustrated by Canadian roadblocks - CBC News
As the sheeple continually line up for their next 'product'.


Things I read today 05-04-09

TPC: A Society Of B.S. (Bad Science) - by Sylvain Lamoureux
My latest blurb.

On Laws, Science And War

Robot Theorizes, Proves Own Scientific Discoveries - Story
The robots are coming.

NATO: the Imperial Pitbull - by Prof. Edward S. Herman
Brilliant article on global militarization and NATO.

Marijuana helps in battle against cancer: study - Blacklisted News
Fighting cancer the good one.

Reps Paul, Frank introduce bill to legalize industrial hemp - Blacklisted News
Why is the most versatile plant illegal?

Obama’s “Path to Viability for GM & Chrysler”: The ruthless language of Wall Street - By Barry Grey
Read this to understand what is really going on in the auto 'crisis'.

Canada to take action against EU over seal product ban - CBC News
Canada to tell EU what to import.

OECD names and shames tax havens - BBC News
Expanding shame and control.

New York Times Co. threatens to close Boston Globe, wants big cuts - CBC News
The fine art of killing unions.

Geithner: Worst Not Over For Jobless, GM Is Here To Stay - Story
It's going to get worse before it gets better.

Gunman in Binghamton, N.Y., complained about being jobless - CBC News
Worry about those jobless people.

Developing agenda wins at G20 - BBC News
Who are they kidding?