
Things I read today 07-02-09

Greanville Journal: “We Will NOT Apologize for Our Way of Life” - By Paul Street
Wow, what a strong piece.

The Century of the self 2 of 4

A Freighter Can't Unload Its Freight of US munitions to Israel - by Otfried NASSAUER
"To replenish US munitions depots"; nice.

Pentagon clashes with media over control of information - Blacklisted News
"the U.S. Constitution does not apply to foreign battlefields" - remember that.

Codex Alimentarius - How the global elite will control your food supply - Blacklisted News
Control the food, control the world.

Armed officers raid home, hold mom, kids for 6 hours - Story
More 'serving and protecting'.

More factory layoffs in Montreal - Story
Steelworker's union affected.

U.S. employers cut 598,000 jobs in January - CBC News
Canada here with 129,000
Note that with 10% of US population we have lost twice as many jobs.
Note the comments: union blaming

Government won't get 'blown off track' by job stats: PM - CBC News
Gotta save the banks, gotta save the banks, gotta save the banks; focus.

Finding a new groove - CBC News
Gotta like the woman walking into a sub shop for work. Note also the woman who is now a 'happy' dental assistant even with the pay cut.

27,000 Work in Pentagon PR and Recruiting - Blacklisted News
Looks like the propaganda jobs are flourishing.

Merciless robots will fight future wars: researcher - Blacklisted News
The robot soldiers cometh

Delta father who decapitated daughter gets life sentence - CBC News
FEAR - it could be your family next; watch your mother, your father. We sure love to hear about decapitations lately.

Octuplets' birth spawns outrage from public - LA Times
This is what we have become. All about money.
This line is too funny - "Exploiting infants for financial gain and fame is not appealing to publishers,"
More here to make sure the public is angry

F.D.A. Approves Drug From Gene-Altered Goats - NY Times
Humans and their God complex.

Six hundred thousand January layoffs in US - By Tom Eley
For a true look at the situation.

Holocaust-denying bishop promises to review evidence - CBC News
Does this headline not incite hate?


Things I read today 06-02-09

VIDEO: Cop Punches Woman In Face Four Times During Arrest For Riding A Bike - Blacklisted News
More 'serving and protecting'.

Goldman, JPMorgan Exempt From Exec Salary Caps - Blacklisted News
Too little, too late?

Can Buddhism Save the Planet? - Article
That is what is needed; a collective awakening.

Moscow Reacts to US Buildup in Afghanistan - by F. William Engdahl
The global game of 'Risk'.

The Century Of The Self - Part 1 of 4

Market downturn could affect divorce settlements, court rules - CBC News
News for the 'Me' crowd.

Top court won't hear challenge of Canada-U.S. refugee pact - CBC News
We are so humanitarian.

Dallas hardware store offers Bush door greeter position - Article
It is a 'perfect fit'. Had a giggle.

"Why no Neocon Assassination? Because the War on Terror is a Hoax" - By Paul Craig Roberts
War on terror? A war on a feeling?

Policeman shoots Iraqi journalist after argument - Blacklisted News
Must be that 'liberation' spirit.

Hackers clone passports in drive-by RFID heist - Blacklisted News
All that money spent for a more 'secure' system.

World Bank economist asks for world coordination - Blacklisted News
Turning the world into one great big 'free trade' zone.

Ritalin may cause changes in the brain’s reward areas - Blacklisted News
Forming the minds of the future generations.

The American ruling class - WSWS
When will it be enough?

Fox host: 9/11 truthers are 'mentally ill' - Raw Story
More Fox propaganda.


Things I read today 05-02-09

IBM Patent application 20020165758 - Identification and tracking of persons using RFID-tagged items - With 'Person Tracking Units' at: airports, train stations, bus stations, libraries, sports arenas, museums, theaters, elevators and even restrooms.

David Icke - Turning of the Tide

The importance of more than two options - by Niki Raapana
Nice article.

Teen Screen - A Front Group for the Psycho-Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex - Article
The compliance of the younger generation.

Obama wants salary cap for many U.S. executives - CBC News
Read the comments - fear that 'incentive' will be taken away

Cheney Warns of New Attacks - Article
So, are Cheney co. planning Obama's 'test'? FEAR

High school dropouts cost social and justice system $1.3B a year: study - CBC News
Programming the collective mind. High school dropouts are likely to be on welfare and commit crimes. Let's not forget that it's costing 'you'.

Should cellphone users on the bus be quieted down? - CBC News
$500 fine for talking - a fine for everything.

McCain introduces amendment to kill 'Buy American' clause - CBC News
After many years of seeing how bad 'free trade' is, we now defend it. Nope, no brainwashing here.

Canada could lose 325,000 jobs next year: TD Bank - CBC News
First it's a 9 month recession, now it looks longer for a lot of people.

Avenger212: The So-Called “Liberal” Media - By Rowan Wolf
The media 'lap-dogs'.

Nancy Pelosi: Dumber than Soap - That is a lot of unemployed Americans

Getting you used to the idea of being tracked. It's for the kids.

TPC: A MATTER OF DEFIANCE - By William C. Carlotti
Nice Article.

TPC: Nests In Hell - by Rand Clifford
Another great TPC article summing up the 'change' that needs to happen.

TPC: The Anti-Empire Report: Change (in rhetoric) we can believe in - by William Blum
Great article, send it to the White House.

Number of alien worlds quantified - BBC News
Thank you Captain Obvious. And hopefully one will come down and kick our asses. Terrorist that.

TED on porn, malaria and robots - BBC News
Note - "There's no doubt the American consumer was overspending. But there's no government magic bullet to fix things." - keep telling the public that this was their fault.

Trade Wars: The Rise of Protectionism? - By Dana Gabriel
Let us not forget that Free Trade was not free.

Bombardier Aerospace laying off 1,360 workers - CBC News
And more jobs are 'lost'.

Ontario government rejects call for banning Taser use on minors - CBC News
Now why would they want to ban their latest 'control' weapon?


Things I read today 04-02-09

Bashing Venezuelan Democracy - by Stephen Lendman
Great paper. Learn about what Chavez really does.

Hugo Chávez: Influence and generosity may be on the wane - Story
A reminder to people that it is all about the money.

Venezuela: Chávez Celebrates Chávez - NY Times
Some propaganda for you.

They Live - Obey, Consume, This is your God

Panasonic to slash 15,000 jobs - CBC News
We are no longer affected by these numbers. We have been trained to accept large numbers describing bad things.

Canada a desired location for Guantanamo Bay detainees - CBC News
And the 'cleared' detainees want to move to Canada?

Hydrochloric Acid Instead of Fluoride Added To Water By Mistake - Blacklisted News
How does hydrochloric acid 'show up' at the plant in a container that 'looks the same' as the fluoride? "An accident"?

Proposal To Put Scanners/Databases In Restaurants - Blacklisted News
See, it's for the kids - "to prevent underage drinking".

FDA to Approve Genetically Engineered Animals; Treat Them as Corporate Intellectual Property - Blacklisted News
The FDA is to approve these animals with all the experience they have in flawlessly approving other things? The owning of life itself.

Is the U.S. ready to accept irradiated food? - Blacklisted News
As we move further from natural foods.

Obama Has Appointed Nine Members of the Trilateral Commission to Top-Level and Key Positions - Blacklisted News
Do you still think that Obama is a 'savior'?

President Obama to water down 'Buy American' plan after EU trade war threat - Blacklisted News
It's not about protecting your local workers, it's about the 'global economy'.

Barack Obama, North American Union, and You - Blacklisted News
NAU coming through?

One Nation Under Siege

"The FBI has a duty to do whatever is necessary to combat perceived threats to the existing social and political order." - COINTELPRO - Senate Report 94-755 Supplementary Detailed Staff Reports On Intelligence Activities And The Rights Of Americans - 1976

Redmond O'Neill v Francisco Toro - Article
What a garbage piece. Yep - brain washing here.

New Hampshire Throwing Down the Gauntlet to the Federal Government - Article
Some good news finally.

Seated position harmful for sleeping babies: Coroner - Story
Fear for the babys.


Things I read today 03-02-09

Day concerned 'Buy American' clause could extend to other products - CBC News
How is this going to affect us. This is the way we are trained to think; how is this going to affect me. No difference. More fear of protectionism. (the latest news-worthy 'ism'.

Education may not slow memory loss: study - CBC News
Love this quote from the article - "While education is associated with the memory's ability to function at a higher level, we found no link between higher education and how fast the memory loses that ability."

We must adjust our distorted image of Hamas - Times Online
Hamas is just like us. Hamas was domocraticly elected.

Condy Rice - War Criminal - Gets a Free Pass on "The View" - Article
Prosecute them all, better yet, firing squad.

It's my son being punished, says man facing deportation - CBC News
More examples of Canada's 'good guy' image. The one comment said it all.

US newspapers fight back - Raw Story
If you get the newspaper free, buy a newspaper?

California goes broke, halts $3.5 billion in payments - Raw Story
Funny and sad considering the amount of wealth in the state.

Iran launches 1st domestically made satellite: state media - CBC News
Good for Iran.

"Doomsday Seed Vault" in the Arctic - by F. William Engdahl
As the pieces come together. Read and THINK

TPC: Homo rapiens be damned: Savagery is not programmed into our DNA - by Jason Miller
Nice article - this is not our nature.

Bridge bombed on supply route for Afghan mission - CBC News
Some good news. Note the 'soft' headline - 'supply', 'mission'

China denounces shoe-thrower - CBC News

US-China currency war eclipses Davos, and threatens the world - Blacklisted News
Wouldn't it be a hoot if China called in the 'markers'?

Iraq's Shocking Human Toll: About 1 Million Killed, 4.5 Million Displaced, 1-2 Million Widows, 5 Million Orphans - By John Tirman
All this for what? Oh yeah; to spread 'democracy'.

Merkel calls on Pope to reject Holocaust denial - CBC News
Questioning the holocaust is denying?

Ignatieff allows N.L. MPs 'one-time' protest vote against budget - CBC News
Wasn't that nice, to give them permission.


Things I read today 02-02-09

EXCLUSIVE- World Bank Demolished Albania Village - Story
I guess that they needed to move some poor people for the sake of 'development' and 'progress'.

Student withdrawn from UK school over CCTV in toilets - Blacklisted News
One has to wonder what these supposed 'incidents of major concern' are to put cameras in washrooms.

Adopt two-child policy to fight global warming, says green guru - Blacklisted News
Now if you read the comments in the following article, you will see that we are being trained to follow this advice. Some evdn mention mandatory abortion. Octuplets mom story

Microsoft says it again - no second beta for Windows 7 - The Register
You had the second beta, the first beta was Vista.

Two Palestinians killed as Israeli-Palestinian violence flares - Story
Note that the term "Israeli-Palestinian violence" - getting you to equally blame David and Goliath.

British government wants measures to expel peers who break the law - CBC News
They need to distance themselves from the scapegoats and make themselves seem responsible at the same time. Sounds win-win to me.

Deborah Orr: A Tribute to the Propaganda Box - TPC
Throw out the TV.

No really, the bail-out was needed. No scam here

BART cop's defense claims Taser mistaken for gun - Raw Story

Elderly Man Freezes To Death After Power Cut - Story
More here
Money trumps life. Note the AP story referring to this being a tragedy due to the man's age. "Neighbors need to keep an eye on neighbors"

For top 400 Americans, combined income of $105 billion in 2006 - By Tom Eley
Do we still measure this as 'success'?

S Lanka tells civilians to leave - BBC News
Didn't this kind of thing just occur in Gaza?

Sri Lankan president says rebels nearly crushed - CBC News
Note the headline using the word 'crushed'. Must be because we deemed them as terrorists. Nope, no brainwashing here.

Too much television can make children 'mentally ill' - Blacklisted News
Good article. TV and celebrity worship is bad, go figure.

Rahm Emanuel: “If you are on that no fly list, your access to the right to bare arms is cancelled” - Article
Disarming the public.

Putin to the West: Take Your Medicine And don't go socialist - Blacklisted News
Touting 'free market virtues'?

Bailed Out Bank of America Sponsors Super Bowl Fun Fest - Blacklisted News
Well, who else could afford a party like that?

Email To Friend Print Version - Blacklisted News
Destroyed? More like being concentrated at the top of the pyramid.

Passport RFIDs cloned wholesale by $250 eBay auction spree - Blacklisted News
Do you want all your data to be digital?


Things I read today 01-02-09

California pension funds close to bankruptcy - Blacklisted News
What is happening to your pension fund?

Troubled Peanut Firm's Chief Also An Industry Quality Adviser - Blacklisted News
Is this like the bankers setting the rules for financial systems?

General Motors to Invest $1 Billion in Brazil Operations; Money to Come from U.S. Bailout - Blacklisted News
Isn't this nice - thanks for the cash, now on to business.

Iceland to be fast-tracked into European Union to stop economic meltdown - Daily Mail
Do they think it will help or is this to get them into the EU?

Time for a new world order: PM - Blacklisted News
As the leaders cry out for a NWO -tell a lie enough times and it becomes truth.

Governments across Europe tremble as angry people take to the streets - Blacklisted News
Well done citizens of Europe. This needs to happen en mass in North Americas.

When you watch these ads, the ads check you out - Blacklisted News
As if they don't control you enough.

Israel hopes to colonize parts of Iraq as ‘Greater Israel’ - Blacklisted News
Colonization in the 21st century.

TPC: I, Clitorus - By Adam Engel
Nice write, good read.

CJO Avenger: The Dangers of Big - By Rowan Wolf
Well said.