
Things I read today 18-04-09

TPC: You Can’t Ignore the Class War (By Saying You’re Not Into Politics) - By Vi Ransel
Again, excellent,

WSWS: Germany: Union demands auto workers give up wage rise - By Dietmar Henning
As usual the 'worker' gets

Quebec offers $120M loan to AbitibiBowater - CBC News
I can smell a bailout.

Economic survivalists take root - Story
Are you ready?

IMF: Recession Will Be Unusually Long Lasting - Blacklisted News
Might be a long one.

Barack Obama discloses Bush 'torture' methods including use of insects - Story
And make sure to see this: Obama Exempts CIA Torture Staff from Prosecution

Texas Bill Requires You to Identify Yourself At All Times - Blacklisted News
Where are your papers?

Pirate hostage captain gets small town welcome - AP
We all love 'heroes'.

Pirate Bay prosecution could spawn flurry of lawsuits - Story
Precedent set to jail 'file sharers'.

Canadian warship will escort aid boat through pirate-infested waters - CBC News
Pirates, pirates, pirates - until the masses 'demand action'.

Nunavut man who jumped from plane showed signs of depression: police - CBC News
Make sure to 'take care' of those with signs of 'depression'.

Chrysler, CAW spar over costs - CBC News
Claiming to want to save "good-paying jobs" and "the economic health of communities".

Toronto man charged with trying to export nuclear technology to Iran - CBC News
Thousands of uses but the headline reads 'nuclear technology'. Be afraid of Iran.

Obama offers Cuba talks as summit gets under way - AP
For "free speech and democratic reform".

Obama says he'll cut dozens of wasteful programs - Reuters
'Technology and budget experts' - to replace human government workers with technology.


Things I read today 17-04-09

TPC: Instrument of Power - By Vi Ransel

P.W. Singer: Military robots and the future of war

Area 51 Is Declassified, And Its Project Leads Speak Out - Blacklisted News
Still too many secrets.

1,500 farmers commit mass suicide in India - Blacklisted News
This is what our current monetary system creates.

Secretive U.S. Prison Units Used to House Muslim, Animal Rights and Environmental Activists - Blacklisted News
Secret prisons; scary.

Emily Levine: A trickster's theory of everything

Great video

Today, over 25,000 children died around the world - by Anup Shah
This should be in the headlines everyday. We simply CHOOSE to let this happen.

Inequality is the scourge of modern societies - The Evidence
The Remedies
Now that we know, let's do something about it.

4 convicted in Pirate Bay file-sharing trial - CBC News
With all the 'pirate' buzz, this 'feels' like a 'victory'.
More here

Obama includes Buffalo in high-speed train match - Story
Funny how 'free markets' are supposed to provide 'incentive' but here it is the government funds that provide the incentive to move forward.


Things I read today 16-04-09

TPC: “Experts Say” - The Rest Of You Are Morons - by Sylvain Lamoureux
My latest rant.

The Design Of Practical Space Stations

Obama pledges more bank bailouts, cuts in social programs - By Tom Eley
Read and THINK; you're being shafted.

Science and Religion ... and Smarty Jones - by Emily Levine
Nice read on the conformity of 'winning'.

Somalia: You Are Being Lied to About Pirates - by Johann Hari
Great article. KNOW what's going on.

Ten High-Tech Weapons to Repel Pirates - Fox
Fox's guide to repelling 'piartes' - guess the pirates are supposed to be on the brain in order to 'establish' democracy in Somalia.

Shai Agassi: A bold plan for mass adoption of electric cars

Well said - let's move FORWARD!

German guns to be kept under ‘fingerprint’ locks - Blacklisted News
I wonder if a company like Siemans would be producing some of this 'security'.

The Bush Six to Be Indicted - Story
Let's see what happens, shall we?

Conquest Vacations shuts down tour operations - CBC News
Credit card policies and credit blamed. Was just too small I guess. Still large enough to effect a lot of people; livelihoods gone.

Will it have to come to violence?

Sikh boy guilty of assault with ceremonial hairpin - CBC News
Eventually the schools will be like airports; it's for the children. Read the comments.

CAW says no to more Chrysler concessions - CBC News
Making sure that in your mind, the unions are just as culpable as the rest.

U.S. army officials say war concussions overdiagnosed - CBC News
This is how they love their soldiers - because of "soft criteria" - nice.


Things I read today 04-15-09

Revolution OS

Open Source, Open Mind, Open Life! (P.1) - Forest of Thought
Being honest and truthful goes a long way.

Great read. Learn something about ourselves.

UK: Council spends £60,000 snooping through bins on early morning raids - Blacklisted News
Testing people's acceptance of their 'rights'.

UK police stage 'pre-emptive raids' on climate activists - Blacklisted News
The UK seems to be the police state amongst us. Intimidating the public into conformity.

Fiji's military have been given permission to shoot civilians without fear of being prosecuted - Blacklisted News
I once asked a US military person if they could shoot their own citizens if the government asked, he said 'yes'.

'Innocent explanation' for RCMP inaccuracies, Taser inquiry hears - CBC News
Getting away with murder in the Canadian justice system. Poor recollections of "a fast-paced, stressful situation." (please feels empathy for the officers as they were under 'stress')

White House pushing GM toward bankruptcy - By Jerry White
Obama the 'saviour' to save the 'good' parts of GM and get rid of the 'bad' (such as health care and retirement). Note that Obama fired the CEO which opposed this and installed an 'idea' receptive one. Sounds like the many years of experience installing puppet regimes is paying off.

Germany Bans Cultivation of GM Corn - Story
"She stressed that the ban should be understood as an "individual case" and not as a statement of principle regarding future policy relating to genetic engineering." - leaves the door wide open. Will Monsanto sue Germany under free trade agreement laws? Let's wait and see.

A Truly Global Currency [with Gold included?] - by Julian D. W. Phillips
A global currency and more IMF power, just what the world needs ... NOT!

Swiss bank UBS to cut 8,700 jobs - BBC News
More jobs by the town-load go, but hey as long as it doesn't affect 'me'.
Note the CBC headline - Switzerland's largest bank reports Q1 loss of close to $1.75B US - all about profits.

Air France-KLM to cut 3,000 jobs - BBC News
Through "natural attrition" - gotta make it sound natural and normal.

Satistfaction Guaranteed (or Your Money Back) - by Emily Levine
Funny and insightful.

LA school board votes to lay off 5,400 employees - Story
Cuts to education must be the way to go.


Things I read today 14-04-09

TPC: The Stink of Privilege - By John Steppling
Brilliant article. This of this as the system moves toward a 'service' economy.

Bouncers hired by UK schools as 'crowd control' - Blacklisted News
Like everything else, they try to intimidate people into conformity. When are we going to move forward from the 'punishment' model?
Love this quote - "It is about crowd control and childminding,"

For Official Use Only: Department of Homeland Security Document Predicts Violence in Response to New Gun Restrictions - Blacklisted News
Are you sure you're not a terrorist?

Predator Drones are Due to Fly Over Detroit - by William Crockerham
For all our 'safety'; the eyes are in the sky.

Cybersecurity Act would give president power to 'shut down' Internet - Blacklisted News
That is a lot of power. For 'cybersecurity' and all our 'safety'.

Homeland Security on guard for 'right-wing extremists' - Blacklisted News
"war veterans as particular threats" - a lot of 'talk' of 'local' strife possibilities, as of late.

Gordon Brown's plan to introduce compulsory community service would be included in Labour's next general election manifesto - Blacklisted News
Seems to be a growing trend. Maybe the MIC is strategizing child rearing.


Things I read today 04-13-09

VIDEO: More IMF "Economic Medicine" Is Not the Solution - G-20 Proposals will exacerbate the Global Economic Crisis - by Michel Chossudovsky

What Are Lifestyles Like In A Different Society? - Venus Project
The same old questions, why are we so limited by our life experiences?

Microchip that tells the doctor if you’ve taken your pills - Blacklisted News
This is how you convince a public which is afraid of death to accept being micro-chipped.

EU trains a new diplomatic corps - without waiting for Lisbon Treaty - Story
Jumping the gun for they feel that nothing can stop them.

100,000+ in London march against Tamil genocide - Raw Story
I wonder if one protests against wiping out a 'terrorist' organization, (as the Tamil Tigers have been labeled by Canada) Does it make one a terrorist?

Soldiers open fire on Thai protesters - CBC News
"The emergency decree bans gatherings of more than five people, forbids news reports that threaten public order and allows the government to call up military troops to quell unrest." - will it happen here?
CNN declares that the protest is 'bad for business'.

The Great Geithner Coverup - Watch the video!

Mexican ambassador: US should take marijuana legalization seriously - Raw Story
Legalize it to bring down demand.

I Like to Watch - By Heather Havrilesky
An interesting look into the TV culture that we have become.

NATO denies air strike killed Afghan civilians - CBC News
Justification: "as many as eight militants were killed in the strike"
Read the comments.

U.S. tourists could flood Cuba if law changes - CBC News
How will it affect 'me'? Note the ridiculous writing style of the CBC continues. Thanks Irena.

Savvy celebrity businesswomen - CBC News
Recession aside, the 'idol' worship continues.

Privacy trickles away as Canadians embrace technology - Story
The acceptance of the privacy for technology trade off.


Things I read today 12-04-09

When healthy eating turns into a disease - Article
Such a badly written piece, there to influence the way you think about food and those that may search for healthy alternatives.

Deeper Digital Penetration - Article
The rise of the naked body scanners.

Federal Reserve tells banks to not reveal results of 'stress test' - Blacklisted News
There sure are a lot of 'secrets' these days - all the better to screw us with.

When credit card firms adjust the interest, limits - Story
Note in this article that your 'credit score' seems to be of utmost importance.

Crime in Venezuela: Opposition Weapon or Serious Problem? - by Tamara Pearson
Great article. Don't believe the propaganda.

2 males stabbed in separate attacks on Calgary buses - CBC News
Be afraid and help in the call for more 'security'.

Web-based tactics publicly embarrass tax cheats - Story
This seems to be a significant statement - "It's evident that doing the right thing is not enough of a motivation" - providing you with what doesn't work as motivation.

Defense cuts could spell job losses - Miami Herald
Sounds like a war lobby article.

Scientists abandon global warming 'lie' - 650 to dissent at U.N. climate change conference - Global Research
There does seem to be a lot of 'convenient' explanations.