
Things I read today 22-11-08

The Great Possibility Actualization Project - Story
A nice story written by Larry “Wingnut” Wendlandt - What do you see in this story?

Fear stalks the world’s economies - Blacklisted News
Let the prices fall, don't buy and let the whole broken system crash in on itself.

Iraqis protest against troop deal - BBC News
They can see that it is no 'deal'.

General Motors to Invest $1 Billion in Brazil Operations — Money to Come from U.S. Rescue Program - Blacklisted NEWS
Take the money and run.

This Is Not A Normal Recession: Moving on to Plan B - Blacklisted News
Time for plan B - the system failed. Well written and provides good information.

Obama’s Radio Address - NY Times
"economic crisis of historic proportions" - some of the things haven't been as low in say 50 years; why do we have to insist that every generation is going to make history? Our legacy is STUPIDITY.

Bush issues Apec free trade call - BBC News
"US President George W Bush has urged Asia-Pacific leaders to rely on "the power of free markets" to solve the current global financial crisis." - Yeah, cause that has worked well for everyone so far.

Islamists raid port in hunt for pirates who seized supertanker - Story
Why use the word 'Islamist'? Aljezeera didn't

Would-be space tourist wants $21M back - Story
Our fascination with the rich, poor rich boy got ripped off.

World needs us to act as one, Rudd tells APEC - Story
Mr Rudd called for more confidence about the economic outlook, saying that if governments took decisive action and pursued reforms they would "provide a rational basis for optimism for the future rather than simply contributing to the now thriving boutique industry of doom and gloom".
Don't complain, just give us money. Sounds like it came from

Former Marine outlines secret dossiers - Story
Spying on citizens, never

Govt wants to spy on you - The Namibian
For those that think this thinking is isolated to the fearful' developed' nations.


Things I read today 21-11-08

Internet `throttling' complaint rejected - Story
The beginning of the end for the Internet as we know it?

Father killed family: police - Story
Be afraid of the neighbor, they could 'snap' anytime. I like the so called "chilling note" which read "Do not enter, call police."

Fannie, Freddie Suspend Evictions During Holiday Season - Story
sniff, sniff, I guess I was all wrong, corporations have a heart after all. sniff, sniff
"The companies said they are taking the step so they can include more people in a newly announced program to change the terms of troubled mortgages to make them more affordable." - hmm

This is what people should be doing and thinking about.

US global dominance 'set to wane' - BBC Story
Money society will push us towards more wars and further damage our environment. Invest in the MIC now.

Online time 'is good for teens' - BBC Story
Better for when the kids grow up and work in call centers.

Harper to promote free trade at APEC summit - CBC Story
"Prime Minister Stephen Harper is expected to tout free trade as an antidote to the global economic crisis when he attends the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum in Peru this weekend."
Harper, Free Trade's poster boy.

Use of nuclear weapons more likely in future: US intelligence - Story
How that headline can be linked to intelligence is beyond me.

Despite economic meltdown, Rothschild posts record profits - Blacklisted News
Rothschild pays out record bonuses to staff - And another story
Ah the Rothschilds; glad to hear that they are OK.

N.W.T. lotto winner takes $1M cash over car - CBC Story
And he bought the ticket while getting cancer treatment; nice touch. Keep the hope alive.

Raw Roundup

Ah Sarah

Forward-facing strollers slow babies' development: study - CBC Stroy
Make sure that they are not exposed to that evil outside world. Too many missing things in the study. They faced the parents and didn't, please.

Auto dealers call for government help - CBC Story
I love the fear mongering about this collapse and the importance of cars.

Banks: Does the market smell dividend cuts? - Story
High dividends when stocks crashing?

Florida teen kills self in front of live webcam - Story
More to come?

Little progress on child poverty, threat increasing: Campaign 2000 report - CBC Story
Have to help the bankers so that they can help the children. Yeah right

Biggest inflation rate fall since 1959 raises concerns - Story
With the exception of food - you can't eat oil.


Things I read today 20-11-08

No job, bad mortgage - no luck - CNN Story
What I see - This is just the way things are. This is because of the financial crisis. The banks are just doing their jobs, this is the way of capitalism.
"But something needs to be done for them, experts said, or the country will sink deeper into an economic recession." - sounds like something needs to be done for the country, not for them.
"Instead, the government needs to stop the cycle by spurring job creation, experts said." - blame the government who has really no say in anyone's employment in the private sector. Nice shift of blame on the government. Why is this acceptable?

Man tased and arrested at his father's funeral - Story
All because he threatened to kill his wife? Who hasn't? Who are these brain washed cops?

Experts: Interrogation of boy, 8, 'out of bounds' - CNN Story
This is setting some precedents.

Health Insurers Offer to Accept All Applicants, on Condition - NY Times Story
They want guaranteed income. It's like signing for that 3 year deal for your phone; you're locked in. Insurance companies and banks should not be private enterprise or allowed to make obscene profits.

Police Blotter - Arrest List
Not really a story, but love this line.
"Readers are reminded that an arrest by police does not constitute a finding of guilt. Only a court can make that determination."
Who are they kidding, once your name is in the paper, you may as well be guilty because that is all the people will see. What a rude practice.

From Cold War to Oil War? U.S. & Georgia - Story
What will happen next in this exciting saga?
Dr. Ariel Cohen of the Heritage Foundation is an expert on the former Soviet Union. - why is he commenting then on the present Russia? And that the bully (Russia) is back?
Georgia does not belong in NATO, simple.

Dick Cheney charged over abuse in private prisons - Blacklisted News
I can feel a pardon coming on.

Properties of the ideal global citizen - Blacklisted News
Are you an ideal clone?

TD Bank to report $350M in credit losses - Story
I remember Harper telling us that Canada's banks are safe and secure. Hahahahahaha.

Henry Paulson says rescue package not for carmakers - Times Online
Back off, get your own sandwich.

Employees sue for unpaid Windows Vista overtime - Story
And again - hahahahaha

Stacks of dead presidents or flesh and blood companions? - TPC Interview
Great interview, go Jason. Usual programmed responses in the comments, but some good ones.

UK 'ahead in digital TV uptake' - BBC Story
Take pride in consuming. And, by the way, digital communications can be tracked and recorded. Making a competition out of everything.

Dumont promises to end welfare for 136,000 people - Story
Putting the leeches back to work with forced labor.

Kissinger indicates support for Iran-India gas pipeline - Blacklisted News
Do you think Kissinger sees $ and oil?


Things I read today 19-11-08

'Deradicalization' part of proposed Omar Khadr rehab - CBC Story
"According to the proposed repatriation and rehabilitation program filed at the military commission where Khadr is being tried, the young Toronto-born man would spend years undergoing psychological treatment, formal education and a special deradicalization program."
I love this, this basically says that the formal education system is nothing but a brainwashing institute. Let us not forget that this child was never convicted of a crime (thank the anti-terror laws).

SEC Persecutes Mark Cuban for Relationship with Loose Change - Blacklisted News
Make sure to use the money that 'we' let you have for something that 'we' approve. The manipulating of facts by the media (Fox) is appalling.

Government Can't Handle Global Run On Gold Coins - Blacklisted News
Did you buy any gold?

VIDEO: CNBC Guest Talks About Plunge Protection Team - Blacklisted News
This video is a prime example of the way that mainstream media manipulates the publics minds through falsely reporting the news. They use it instead to manipulate and standardize the public thought.

Ron Paul - the only one that seems to see any truth.

THE HIDDEN PERSUADERS - Thanks Irena for the link
Check the date this was written. How long have you been able to see the 'training'?

Lies, Lies, Lies! - stop the lies.

Even the soldiers know it

Ron Paul Questions Bernanke 11/18/08

"Only in terms of the sale that the central banks are planning" - hmmm

Toyota cutting production in Canada, U.S. - CBC Story
"Toyota Motor Corp. is reducing production in Canada and the United States to cope with slowing sales in the world's largest economy." - Interesting line, is that the U.S. economy or Canada or both? Are we already considered as one?

Top al-Qaeda lieutenant insults Obama - CBC Story
AP Story
Called him a 'house negro' - 'token black guy' would have worked too. Them be fightin' words.

Commentary: Fixing the Big Three - CNN Commentary
Note how she attacks union workers, even comparing their $30 to $40 per hour to the $9 million earned by CEO, she then attacks retirees about pensions and health plans. No bull, yeah right.

Astronauts 'drop' space tool bag - BBC Story
"the tool bag became untethered from a larger kit case and floated away"? What does this mean? I have worked at heights and stuff does not 'become untethered'. I also like that she is sitting in space, already making excuses and defending her actions.

Zawahri 'out of touch' in message -U.S. official - Reuters Story
"The threats contain little new, he said. "It's the same message that he's been carrying for quite a few years -- 'you either leave our lands or suffer the repercussions.'""
I like how he just dismisses this as if people should also. Yadda yadda. This is a good claim, we are in their lands. And why has this been top news all day?

Suspected US missiles strike deep inside Pakistan - AP Story
Borders? Sovereignty? Bah, we kill terrorists.

Germany Extradites Rwandan Politician to France - Story
Sounds to me like they want people to think that the idea of Euro warrants is a good one. See, it is working bringing criminals to justice. We are one, unified. Why can't the rest of the world do the same? NWO
Demonstrators protest German arrest of top presidential aide
Can you say scapegoat.

Cameras to fight terrorism in lower N.Y. - Story
Smile, you're on camera.


Things I read today 18-11-08

On The Road to Moronity - Great Article
Excellent article,covers a lot of things that people need to wake up and see.

Oxon Hill Man Fatally Shot at Stop Light - Washington Post
Do you think he found something he shouldn't have?

Dollar Replaced With AMERO After US Economy Crash

How many Ameros for 1 Euro?
More on this here: AMERO to replace Dollar and Peso

Canada, U.S. agree to use each other's troops in civil emergencies - Story
This was a little while ago, but some of the things today point to this. So when the Canadian government can not use their forces, there is backup.

Yes, I Am My Brother's Keeper - Article
If more people only had a clear thought and had some vision.

What a man believes upon grossly insufficient evidence is an index into his desires - desires of which he himself is often unconscious. If a man is offered a fact which goes against his instincts, he will scrutinize it closely, and unless the evidence is overwhelming, he will refuse to believe it. If, on the other hand, he is offered something which affords a reason for acting in accordance to his instincts, he will accept it even on the slightest evidence. The origin of myths is explained in this way.
— Bertrand Russell, Roads to Freedom

3-year driver curb planned for youths - Story
Get the youth accustomed to being watched and scrutinized early in life. All in the interest of public safety of course.

Geraldo shaping minds

"You're entitled to opinions as long as they are lawful"? Really Geraldo?
"The aljezeera of the hate movement"? Wow wash the minds.

The Goodbye Republic - Great Article
NWO, the Georgia Guide Stones and the cattle.
More on the Georgia Guide Stones

Mounties guard B.C. seaplane crash site - CBC Story
"There is evidence there that all partner agencies will need to have … and certainly we have seven souls that require some security," said Thiessen.
The seven souls bit is weird but why the security and the need to mention it?

U.S.-Canada Military Plan Could Place Troops in Each Other’s Country - Blacklisted News
Just 'backing up' the neighbor in case of civil unrest.

Piracy crisis exposes need for Somalia solution - Reuters
We have another 'crisis', what's next send in the military to 'tame the savages'?

Unhappy people turn to the tube, researchers say - CBC Story
Ya think? Duh. TV bad. This is a pity because it is such a great medium, if only it was better utilized instead of making zombies.


Things I read today 17-11-08

Citigroup cutting 53,000 jobs - CBC Story
One of the comments: by Baron von Lufthoven
Don't worry folks, there's no conspiracy. None of this is related. This will all blow over in a few months. The fundaments of the seconomy are sound. We will not sell off Canadian's wealth to pay for international banker's theft - er, 'credit freeze'. There are some good buying opportunities out there. Buy some physical gold to make yourself feel secure, oh yeah - there is none left for purchase. We are going to commission a (think tank) committee to discover the findings of this situation. We will then study those findings we have found and then we'll convene a session of parliament to debate the findings which we found in the study. After debating the findings we will make announcements concerning the debates which will have little or no effect on the lives of Canadians. We will then state that parliament is not working and call another election...............
More from BBC and from Blacklisted News
These are larger numbers than most of the towns I have lived in that are getting the axe.
BBC quote (mine in brackets) - The cuts (people that are now out of a job and cannot provide money for their families) will come from redundancies, the sale of units and natural wastage (this is my favorite), the bank said.

Obama 'to rebuild moral stature' - BBC Story
Mr Obama also promised to do "whatever it takes" to stabilise the US economy, including rescuing the struggling auto industry and assisting homeowners. - note the use of the word 'rescue' for the auto industry and 'assist' homeowners.
I say let the people that are in their only home keep them and the banks can suck it up seeing as they got bailed out. And how did the banks lose money that never really existed?

Pirates capture Saudi oil tanker - BBC Story
How long before someone tries to bring 'order' to Somalia?

$2 Trillion Handed out by Paulson and Bernanke, But Who Got It, Nobody Knows - Blacklisted News
Anyone else think that Citigroup got some of this?

Pak accuses US of pushing it closer to bankruptcy - Blacklisted News Story
Didn't Pakistan just get an IMF loan? Hmmmm.


Things I read today 16-11-08

This is a must see video. If you are going to do anything for 2 hours, let it be watching this.

Tanking economy means job vacancies are easier to fill: recruiter - CBC Story
The Canadians again show their worth. They want you to think about the upside to layoffs.
Read the comments, here is a one that shows the blindness:
JackLenin wrote:Posted 2008/11/16
at 3:52 AM ET
Nice to hear some good for a change, although I'm sure there will still be those that find something in this to complain about !

Dr. Ron Paul on bailout

Gardasil Linked to Seventy-Eight Outbreaks of Genital Warts - Story
No, honest, mandatory vaccination was for the kids not for the dollars, yeah right.

Pull away blanket of secrecy on federal bailout - Story
Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass - We’ll all no doubt sleep easier knowing that our government has loaned $2 trillion to potentially troubled financial institutions and the guardians of our economy are “pretty sure they’re OK.” - trust the Fed, trust the Fed, trust the Fed.
Fed: No creative accounting here, honest.

Fabled Enemies - looks like video day

A Way forward - The Venus Projec