
Things I read today 19-11-08

'Deradicalization' part of proposed Omar Khadr rehab - CBC Story
"According to the proposed repatriation and rehabilitation program filed at the military commission where Khadr is being tried, the young Toronto-born man would spend years undergoing psychological treatment, formal education and a special deradicalization program."
I love this, this basically says that the formal education system is nothing but a brainwashing institute. Let us not forget that this child was never convicted of a crime (thank the anti-terror laws).

SEC Persecutes Mark Cuban for Relationship with Loose Change - Blacklisted News
Make sure to use the money that 'we' let you have for something that 'we' approve. The manipulating of facts by the media (Fox) is appalling.

Government Can't Handle Global Run On Gold Coins - Blacklisted News
Did you buy any gold?

VIDEO: CNBC Guest Talks About Plunge Protection Team - Blacklisted News
This video is a prime example of the way that mainstream media manipulates the publics minds through falsely reporting the news. They use it instead to manipulate and standardize the public thought.

Ron Paul - the only one that seems to see any truth.

THE HIDDEN PERSUADERS - Thanks Irena for the link
Check the date this was written. How long have you been able to see the 'training'?

Lies, Lies, Lies! - stop the lies.

Even the soldiers know it

Ron Paul Questions Bernanke 11/18/08

"Only in terms of the sale that the central banks are planning" - hmmm

Toyota cutting production in Canada, U.S. - CBC Story
"Toyota Motor Corp. is reducing production in Canada and the United States to cope with slowing sales in the world's largest economy." - Interesting line, is that the U.S. economy or Canada or both? Are we already considered as one?

Top al-Qaeda lieutenant insults Obama - CBC Story
AP Story
Called him a 'house negro' - 'token black guy' would have worked too. Them be fightin' words.

Commentary: Fixing the Big Three - CNN Commentary
Note how she attacks union workers, even comparing their $30 to $40 per hour to the $9 million earned by CEO, she then attacks retirees about pensions and health plans. No bull, yeah right.

Astronauts 'drop' space tool bag - BBC Story
"the tool bag became untethered from a larger kit case and floated away"? What does this mean? I have worked at heights and stuff does not 'become untethered'. I also like that she is sitting in space, already making excuses and defending her actions.

Zawahri 'out of touch' in message -U.S. official - Reuters Story
"The threats contain little new, he said. "It's the same message that he's been carrying for quite a few years -- 'you either leave our lands or suffer the repercussions.'""
I like how he just dismisses this as if people should also. Yadda yadda. This is a good claim, we are in their lands. And why has this been top news all day?

Suspected US missiles strike deep inside Pakistan - AP Story
Borders? Sovereignty? Bah, we kill terrorists.

Germany Extradites Rwandan Politician to France - Story
Sounds to me like they want people to think that the idea of Euro warrants is a good one. See, it is working bringing criminals to justice. We are one, unified. Why can't the rest of the world do the same? NWO
Demonstrators protest German arrest of top presidential aide
Can you say scapegoat.

Cameras to fight terrorism in lower N.Y. - Story
Smile, you're on camera.

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