
Things I read today 04-04-09

Demonstration Of Memory Metals

TPC: Open Your Eyes - By Immortal Technique
There is no 'free' market and it fosters waste, not efficiency.

WSWS: Germany: Union collaborates in job cuts at steelmaker ThyssenKrupp - By Elizabeth Zimmermann
As the unions facilitate in the dissemination of workers.

Larry Lessig: How creativity is being strangled by the law - TED
Common sense is lost, laws are always tied to money.

WSWS: Wall Street celebrates accounting rule changes designed to hide losses - By Andre Damon
Some 'creative accounting' for a system based on lies.

Fools and their Money Metaphors - by Venkat
An interesting analysis of money and life. How does one break through to truly imagine a world without the constraints of money?

Unplug the phone - by John Higham
Sometimes you just need a break.

Suspected drug traffickers have ties to organized crime: police - Story
Making sure to associate marijuana with organized crime. And what the heck is "Montreal police morality, alcohol and drug squad"? - The morality police?

Disney Says 1,900 Jobs Eliminated at U.S. Theme Parks - Bloomberg
1900 people no longer work for the Mickey Mouse operation.

US Envoy: N. Korean Missile Test 'Requires Consequences' - Story
The 'retired diplomat' and 'academic' sounds like the 'punisher'. Must punish and control.

Revealed: 90 immigrants have died in US custody in last 5 1/2 years - Raw Story
That's one way to secure the borders.

This is the truth on drugs ... any questions? - By David Sirota
Love this - don't smoke pot because - "marijuana is dangerous because it makes people zone out on their couches and diminishes video gaming skills".

In Tough Times, A Monument To Greed - NY Post
Nice article about bad timing.

No special measures for laid-off Bombardier workers: province - CBC News
Money for bail-outs and R&D but none for the citizen.

Obama in terror warning to NATO allies - Raw Story
The lie of security.

G20 summit: US and Europe paper over divisions - By Chris Marsden and Bill Van Auken
For the real scoop on the G20 meeting.


Things I read today 03-04-09

The Sad Saga of Silicon Graphics: The Final Chapter - Story
A couple of notes in this one - that they sold for millions instead of billions seems to be pushed home - the statement "they ran out of future".

A Very Strange 'Big Deal': the Sale of German Submarines to Israel - Article
As the world keeps arming Israel.

Bombardier Aerospace to cut 3,000 jobs - CBC News
As the cuts keep coming even with profits.

Stunning 82-year-old hospital patient with Taser was justified: report - CBC News
They were just 'protecting and serving'.

Deal part of 'unprecedented' response to crisis: Harper - CBC News
Making sure to drive home that 'protectionism is bad'.
More here - note the 'regulator relaxes accounting rules for banks'.

Chavez to seek Arab backing for `petro-currency' - Story
Go Chavez go!

WSWS: IMF and World Bank reports predict bleak future for Africa - By Trevor Johnson
The poor are going to be hard hit.

Flint, Michigan: Government Considering Abandoning Parts of City, Cutting Off Police and Fire Service - Blacklisted News
"Get the kids into better neighborhoods".

NYPD Seeks Expansion Of Big Brother Grid - Blacklisted News
Do you feel watched?

Mexico's president given George Orwell's 1984 by the Queen - Blacklisted News
A sign of things to come?

Manpackable Laser Weapons on the Way for U.S. Military's Future Soldiers? - Blacklisted News
We always need more ways to kill.

300 protesters detained ahead of NATO summit - CBC News
Can be 'detained' for 48 hours without charge.

CSIS official clarifies comments on agency's use of torture - CBC News
"only do so if lives are at stake" - sound familiar anyone? THINK!

Water wars leave northern Colo. farmers dry - Blacklisted News
Of ownership and water.

I.B.M. Reportedly Will Buy Rival Sun for $7 Billion - NY Times
As the huge get bigger. This will mean layoffs of redundant people.
Don't forget the IBM layoffs here

Amber Alert called off, mother could face charges - Story
Are we back to the colorful alert system? THINK!

IBM And Sun: There Will Be Blood - Forbes
As many as 10,000 layoffs possible.

Recession a 'relatively mild' challenge for Canada: Flaherty - CBC News
As Canada gets cocky it holds onto the "as long as it doesn't affect me" attitude.

Canadian stranded in Sudan deemed security risk, denied passport - CBC News
Are you a possible 'national security' risk? We are sounding more and more like the U.S.

G20 supports IMF's plan to sell 403 tons of gold - Story
And the robber barons will get the loot.


Things I read today 02-04-09

Talking Points with Jacque Fresco


Ego and the contagiousness and importance of consciousness

CAE to launch $714 million R&D program - Story
Don't look in Canada, no bail-outs here - I like the comment - “CAE in particular has repaid pretty well all of the money it’s received over the years” - not all, and when hundreds of millions are involved, how much is 'pretty well'?

Report: Chinese Develop Special "Kill Weapon" to Destroy U.S. Aircraft Carriers - Story
Note the source. We must all just perpetually manufacture weapons for everyone's safety.

Understanding Employee Motivation - Article
Interesting but the fact that a person MUST get a job is a de-motivating factor in itself.

Parts shortage prompts shutdown at Chrysler minivan plant - CBC News
Comment of note: marksi21 wrote:Posted 2009/04/01 at 6:38 PM ET
yea, and i bet they were all sent home with their grossly inflated 70,000 salary still being paid out... ahh the joys of union labour.
p.s caw union supporters are greedy arrgoant bastards (especially the ones who "protested" by hijacking a building which resulted in NO negative reprocussions.

Cancer survivors may fall behind in school: study - CBC News
As Fresco would say - this is B.S. - Bad Science.

Teen charged with taking tips - Story
Be vigilant. Don't ever make mistakes.

Distress centres brace for suicide calls amid recession - CBC News
It's not over yet.

Toronto TV host charged after St. John's air rage incident - CBC News

U.S. private sector axes 742,000 jobs in March - Blacklisted News
The numbers are in.


Things I read today 01-04-09

Jacques Fresco on the problem of superstitious ignorance

Jacques Fresco True Renaissance Man - Article
Great post. Tribute to a great man.

Jacques Fresco 1974 - Logical thought at work. So what happened to us? - Watch and LEARN!

The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind - by Gustave Le Bon
A very interesting read on the psychology of the masses.

Welcome to Thanet Earth: The biggest greenhouse in Britain unveiled - Story
We CAN feed the masses, we CHOOSE not to.

U.S. plans to ease GM into bankruptcy: report - Reuters
How does this affect you?

Honda offering buyouts, cutting pay, production in North America - CBC News
All the talk of cutting production but no mention of how this will affect jobs.

Criminals may still get high-security airport access: auditor general - CBC News
And your first response is supposed to be - "well that's not good. We need to tighten security. We need to persecute people longer for mistakes [sic] they may have made in the past. Let no criminal record hold a good job." - getting it yet?

WSWS: OECD paints bleak picture of global economy - By Peter Symonds
The worst is yet to come.

WSWS: Media backs Obama’s assault on US auto workers - by Jerry White
What's really happening with GM and Unions.

Police stop armoured car in London - BBC News
Note the wording - "Police questioned a group of suspected protesters who drove into London in a customised armoured car." - note the term "suspected protesters"

'Act with a sense of urgency,' Obama urges ahead of G20 meetings - CBC News
Sounds like the land lady trying to do renovations quickly in order to bypass permits. Be suspicious. The money system has failed, time to move on.

AFP: Riot hits London as G20 leaders meet - Raw Story
As far as "sticking their heads in the sand", I think that by clinging to the monetary system, that is what we are doing.


Things I read today 31-03-09

Flashback 1993 - Remember WACO? - Fine examples of 'protecting and serving', of cultivating fear derived from differences and demonstrating the ruthlessness of government.

WACO: The Big Lie - remember this?

WACO: The Rules of Engagement (1/2)

WACO: The Rules of Engagement (2/2)

Canada's financial system good example for world to follow: Carney - CBC News
Keep telling us that 'our' system is better than others.

Thug Cop Tazers a Woman with Pleasure

Galloway begins Canadian lecture tour via live video link from N.Y. - CBC News
Anyone else notice the change in 'control' during your lifetime?

Police take advantage of a Drunk Girl

Workers denounce union for imposing concessions - By Carl Bronski

Bad Cop caught on tape!

Obama to Automakers: It's My Way or the Highway - Reuters
Obama taking a 'tough stance'; hmmm whom is he convincing?

Iran Critical of U.S. Troop Buildup in Afghanistan - Washington Post
All the better to back Israel with.


Things I read today 30-03-09

The Venus Project - Chic Magazine

Read and imagine a future without boundaries.

Canadian research uncovers cyber espionage network - CBC News
They are going to kill the Internet as we know it, for your own security.
More on SecDev

The railroading will be televised - Raw Story
Ridiculing those that don't agree.

Pentagon exploring robot killers that can fire on their own - Blacklisted News
Is it any wonder that people have a fear of machines.

Obama administration wants Cuba to play ball with the IMF and World Bank before lifting embargo - Blacklisted News
Biden let's us know that it is the 'Cuban' people which are suffering 'economically'. Playing ball with IMF and World Bank means getting in debt and servitude.

Gunmen Storm Police Training Compound in Pakistan - Story
Should be justification for team USA and their incursions with UAVs.

Food giants may be secretly adding toxic nanoparticles to your groceries - Blacklisted News
In a world of too many secrets, now it is about the things we eat.

Is my food still safe after the 'best before' date? - CBC News
Helping you 'get by' in dire times.

Denim Deadly for Some Turkish Workers - Article
Suffering for style and profit.

Person tased for getting out license too slowly


Things I read today 29-03-09

The Venus Project - News Report
Why is logic and practicality deemed as idealistic?

Lessig: i-9/11

More here

TPC: A Quiet Revolution Grows in the Muslim World - By Robin Wright
A different view of the Muslim Revolutionary.

Stimulus to pay for anti-suicide fence - Blacklisted News
Are these the jobs that are being 'created' or 'saved'?

UK Government: Torture Saves Lives - Blacklisted News
Sounds in line with the US.

U.N. 'Climate Change' Plan Would Likely Shift Trillions to Form New World Economy - Blacklisted News
The UN stills backing a monetary system. Global banking has its backer.

Canada defends ban on British anti-war MP - By Keith Jones
A good run down of Canada's 'terrorist' labels.

New York Times publishes “persecuted” AIG executive’s resignation letter - By Tom Eley
Read between the lines in the mainstream media.

UK Police identify 200 children as potential terrorists - Blacklisted News
Conform early in life. This kind of thing also serves to make the parents 'aware' and to 'teach' the kids not to be 'noticable'.

Geithner: Be optimistic about economic future - Story
Hold on to that 'hope'. Don't think of 'change'.