
Things I read today 04-04-09

Demonstration Of Memory Metals

TPC: Open Your Eyes - By Immortal Technique
There is no 'free' market and it fosters waste, not efficiency.

WSWS: Germany: Union collaborates in job cuts at steelmaker ThyssenKrupp - By Elizabeth Zimmermann
As the unions facilitate in the dissemination of workers.

Larry Lessig: How creativity is being strangled by the law - TED
Common sense is lost, laws are always tied to money.

WSWS: Wall Street celebrates accounting rule changes designed to hide losses - By Andre Damon
Some 'creative accounting' for a system based on lies.

Fools and their Money Metaphors - by Venkat
An interesting analysis of money and life. How does one break through to truly imagine a world without the constraints of money?

Unplug the phone - by John Higham
Sometimes you just need a break.

Suspected drug traffickers have ties to organized crime: police - Story
Making sure to associate marijuana with organized crime. And what the heck is "Montreal police morality, alcohol and drug squad"? - The morality police?

Disney Says 1,900 Jobs Eliminated at U.S. Theme Parks - Bloomberg
1900 people no longer work for the Mickey Mouse operation.

US Envoy: N. Korean Missile Test 'Requires Consequences' - Story
The 'retired diplomat' and 'academic' sounds like the 'punisher'. Must punish and control.

Revealed: 90 immigrants have died in US custody in last 5 1/2 years - Raw Story
That's one way to secure the borders.

This is the truth on drugs ... any questions? - By David Sirota
Love this - don't smoke pot because - "marijuana is dangerous because it makes people zone out on their couches and diminishes video gaming skills".

In Tough Times, A Monument To Greed - NY Post
Nice article about bad timing.

No special measures for laid-off Bombardier workers: province - CBC News
Money for bail-outs and R&D but none for the citizen.

Obama in terror warning to NATO allies - Raw Story
The lie of security.

G20 summit: US and Europe paper over divisions - By Chris Marsden and Bill Van Auken
For the real scoop on the G20 meeting.

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