
Things I read today 09-11-08

Owner of collapsed Haiti school arrested - CBC article
Now they have arrected a preacher that built a school in an attempt to "find someone accountable" due to indroctrination of our societies systems onto theirs.

Worst retail sales trend since 1974 expected - Story
If people just buy more the system may have a chance. Why do people believe that this is an important part of life?

Treasury prepares to broaden bailout plan: report - Story
Now we have to bailout the other rich people (really the same rich people with money interests everywhere)

Tyson Foods Injects Chickens with Antibiotics Before They Hatch to Claim "Raised without Antibiotics" - Story
Companies lie about how healthy their products are?

Industrial capitalism is a given and the natural world is secondary - The interview
A good interview with Derrick Jensen, although some parts are hard to follow due to missing words.

Georgia fired first shot, say UK monitors - Story
Where is the blame going to land? Duh.

Emanuel Urges Speeding Up Aid to Auto Industry - Story
Does that mean the American public gets a stake in the auto industry and I would expect employee discounts? -
The official Barack Obama site - Obama's Site - Welcome to a new era os sacrifice and servitude.

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