Obama held secret meeting with Hillary Clinton - CBC Story
why is a democracy[sic] so secretive?
Clement considering joint Canada-U.S. auto bailout plan - CBC Story
Can't let the car industry die and might as well strengthen ties even more paving the way for the Amero and NAU.
Leaders say progress being made at economic summit - CBC Story
Leaders? The head crooks more like. Let's fix our failing system that makes a few 'prosper' and many 'hope'
Your Moral Obligation - Article
What they want.
I use a lot of CBC stories because they usually have some comments that let you peer into the minds of the populous.
Comment to “ Capitalism vs. Socialism: You Need to Know the Difference ” - Article
Wingnut Oct 25th, 2008 at 7:32 am
You DO see the pyramid scheme symbol on the back of the USA one dollar bill, right? You DO see the servitude infestation in capitalism, right? And do you see the “pay up or lose your wellbeing” Chicago mob-like felony extortion widespread within capitalism? Do you see the “join or starve” felony extortion done to the 18 year olds… by this ugly competer’s church called capitalism? See how forcing competer’s religions onto 18 year olds… kills membership in the cooperator’s church (Christianity/socialism)?? Do you understand that AmWay (American Way) (New World Order) got “the exclusive” (legal tender) on the TYPE of survival coupons (money) accepted in supply depots (stores) and leverages 18 years olds into the organization via that felony activity as well? Do you understand how farmyard pyramids work… from your childhood?? Remember?? Upper 1/3 are “heads in the clouds” while the kids on the bottom ALWAYS GET HURT from the weight of the world’s knees in their backs? Still with me? Do you see anything illegal, immoral, or just plain sick… in any of this pyramid scheme’s activities? Anyone home???
Us American Christian socialists are still patiently awaiting the natural fall of the pyramid-o-servitude, or the busting of the free marketeers felony… by the USA Dept of Justice. Us Christians are VERY CLOSE to issuing a cease and desist order until the servitude and inequality goes away… which means it turns into a commune. Commune is a word we LOVE when used in the word “community”… but its one the caps HATE when used in the term “commune-ism”. Go fig. PROGRAMMED!!
Time to level the felony pyramid scheme called capitalism. Abolish economies and ownershipism worldwide, and hurry. Economies just cause rat-racing, and rat-racing causes felony pyramiding. BUST IT, America! Look to the USA military supply/survival system… for socialism and morals done right. Equal, owner-less, money-less, bill-less, timecard-less, and concerned with growth of value-criteria OTHER THAN money-value. There are MANY measurement criteria of “value”… not just dollars. Try morals, efficiency, discrimination-levels, repairability, etc etc. Economies are cancerous tumors, and to cheer for their growth… is just insane. Profiting causes inflation, so if you caps LIKE inflation, and if you LIKE a terrible time in afterlife when you meet the planet’s ORIGINAL OWNER before caps tried to squat it all with ownershipism, then keep it up with the felony pyramiding. I dare you. While us Christians are finally bulldozing that pyramid scheme back to level, lets make servitude and “join or starve” illegal in the USA, and lets level the architecture seen in USA courtrooms, too. Right now, USA courtrooms are church simulators or “fear chambers”, by special design. Sick.
Isn’t enlightenment FUN!!!???
Let me tell us all the story of a unique “bridge”…
Capitalism… is a SINGLE pyramid scheme or company. It is ONE GIANT “running across the backs of lessers”-way of forsakedly racing across a ravine-o-death to “set for life land”-business. Its a see-no-evil, hear-no-evil, monkey-see, monkey-do rat-racing-for-greenstamps Free Mason/Illuminati SHAM… that capitalists are bought-into… a system whose inventors are long ago dead. BUT, we STILL need to escape this killing-machine thing, lest it destroy us. Some might call it a self-feeding machine, too. Its a “railroading”… a “tradition” of competing instead-of cooperating… a GOUGING MACHINE… or maybe… a harvester or mower.
Either way, it feeds enjoyment addictions within the American shoppers. There’s enjoyment junkies everywhere here in the USA! Meats, sweets, motorsports, fashion, food, sex, drugs, being important, etc.
Aside from THAT problem, I went walking in the pastures of the giant shared farm called Earth, and I came-across a group of CHILDREN… who had built a “bridge” or “pyramid”… across a fatal-drop-grade ravine or ditch. This bridge… was made ENTIRELY of children, and NOTHING ELSE!
Near the entry to the deathbridge, there was this HUGE flashing neon arrow… saying “THIS WAY to SET FOR LIFE!” In fact there were THOUSANDS of these neon arrows… pointing the way. (via media cock’n'bull, and via everyone following LIFE MAGAZINE rules for life… instead of Bible policies and rules.) Instead of herdfully-following these arrows, I took one apart so I could determine what made it point. :)
Kids (lessers/minorities) were falling off-of the bottom of this bridge of children… TO THEIR DEATHS… at a rate that was best described as ATROCIOUS! For every child that managed-to “successfully” run-across-to “set for life land”… 5000 children fell to their death from the bottom of the bridge. They were screaming bloody murder as they descended… but nobody “herd” them.
Now, lets look at the CENTER area of the bridge. At the center of the bridge… it is a back-stabbing and cronyism DEMENTATION!! There is a “tower” of “controllers” (a group of set-for-lifes)… who are helping SOME children safely cross to set4lifeville, and denying others from getting there… and doing it… based-upon ANY DAMNED CRITERIA THEY FEEL LIKE USING! Cronyism. This was the pyramid… the tower of power… at the center of the bridge-o-children across the ravine-o-death.
As a farm mom… I said HOLY MOTHER-OF-GOD! WHAT HAVE YOU DEMENTED CHILDREN BUILT!! In another way of looking at it all… it was bullies in the church playground… who have grabbed-up the ENTIRE platter of sloppy joes… and are now making other children “service them” in order to get a tiny taste of sloppy joe!!!
DISGUSTING! DEMENTED! Is anyone seeing this?? Welcome to the United States of disgustingness. You make me sick, capitalists. Fix your economy system NOW… by abolishing/outlawing economies WORLD WIDE! Do it RIGHT NOW… so that this never happens again. There’s nobody to lynch… just shut down the servitude festival before God comes back and spanks you all severely. Wake up, caps!!
Larry “Wingnut” Wendlandt
MaStars - Mothers Against Stuff That Ain’t Right
Bessemer MI USA
Obama Urges Congress to Make `Down Payment' on Economic Rescue - Bloomberg Story
Save the rich, alms to the poor.
Calgary man convicted of movie piracy - CBC Story (check comments)
Toe the line, be afraid; I.P. is very important to us.
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