It must be brainwashing 101 day - Let's start with three good ones.
Who should go to university? - CBC News
This is great - "University education should be accessible to all who qualify but the reality is, and always will be, that only a minority among us will develop the intellectual ability to succeed along this path."
These are judgments and decisions that are made during formative years.
Read and THINK!
Suze Orman: Are you sure you can afford that? - CNN News
From Oprah dot com - Again Read and THINK!
Make the most of being jobless! - CNN News
Note the term 'jobless' instead of unemployed.
Note "Job loss is devastating so take a week or so to mourn, expert says"
Even written by someone at careerbuilder dot com
Read and THINK!
Bush 41: Jeb Bush for President - Fox News
Getting the Bush name in line once again - love this - "I mean, right now is probably a bad time, because we've got enough Bushes in there."
Boy guilty of shooting his mother - BBC News
Wants to try him as an adult.
Now read it and replace the word cyberpath for government.
Skills for the Age of Sustainability: An Unprecedented Time of Opportunity - by Elisabet Sahtouris, Ph.D.
And this was in 2002. Imagine all the wasted energies in trying to resist change.
Israeli definition of peace
And I got that at this weeks (and it's only Monday) PROPAGANDA SITE OF THE WEEK
Love this phrase and it couldn't be more true - "Part of this is a kind of global management program that claims to benefit America"
Greenville Journal: Corporate media lessons in character assassination
Reading between the lines and seeing the bullshit and manipulation in everything is what awakens the mind.
Why Obama Is Silent On Gaza? - Blacklisted News
Do you see the change?
Government aid could save U.S. newspapers, spark debate - Blacklisted News
Government news? Don't we already have that?
Canadians remain stranded in Gaza - CBC News
Says that a busload met an 'obstacle' in the road; I wonder if that 'obstacle' was a tank.
Read the comments - Here is a beauty comment that reflects the mentality of Canadians
woodturn wrote:Posted 2009/01/05 at 8:25 AM ET
"In the story it states "they decided it was safer to try to turn around and go back to their homes in the midst of all this than to try to make the crossing ". These people hold Canadian passports for convenience only. They choose to live outside the country only calling for assistance during periods of strive. They do nothing for Canada except run up our bill for humanitarian assistance. There was certainly enough notice that Israel was about to conduct military activity in the region. It was their choice to remain. Nothing should be done by our Government to facilitate their travel! at this late date."
Mother charged with not dressing baby for cold - CBC News
And the notable comment for this one - But read them all.
sternwheeler wrote:Posted 2009/01/05 at 3:50 PM ET
"Am I reading this okay..... a mother is charged for not maintaining a simple task of dressing her kid, well properly for the elements. Now something is definitly wrong here.... carying her baby around at 4:30 in the frigging morning... mmm she must of been preocupied with something else..... pretty sad situation at least the kid is okay, probably children's aid will get involved, the cops sure have.... cannot wait to hear her excuse........"Judgment, excuse, contempt - get the baby out of your head and THINK!
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