Israel using “DIME” weapons on civilian population in Gaza - Story
Gaza is Israeli weapons proving ground.
Secret Micro-Sat Mission Feeds Space War Worries - Blacklisted News
Too many secrets.
Systemic Economic Crisis: The Sequence of Global Insolvency Begins - Global Research
The world is broke.
Max Blumenthal interviews New Yorkers at a pro-Israel rally:
Pro-Israeli mindset - WOW - "Wipe them all out"
Jewish Journal Report from same Rally
Ottawa transit strike drags on over scheduling issue - CBC News
Note the term - "drags on" - this is to convey a negative sentiment.
A thinking comment (rare for CBC)- estherR wrote:
Posted 2009/01/17 at 7:46 PM ET
I see the anti union force has been well trained to rant and rave.
misleading statements any method to get people to believe their brain washing tactics.
They will have us all working for minimum wage and no benefits while the CEOs can increase their own multi million dollar bonuses;
Politicians and their buddies get huge raises and separation/ retirement pay offs.
I am more concerned with those who can give themselves big raises and claim they are barely breaking even
Internal investigation clears Pentagon of propaganda violations - Raw Story
"inspector general's report said the definition of propaganda is unclear." - go figure.
Canada Orders US War Resister (and New Mother) Deported - Story
Do you think that the Weasel (Harper) wants this to happen before Parliament returns?
21,000 Jobs Worldwide Erased in Day as Recession Chokes Demand - Blacklisted News
More job losses.
Ski masks and scarves to be forbidden at demos - Story
"someone ruined it for everyone else" - And let's not forget the 'what if' factor
"to root out the troublemakers who sometimes turn up at them" - this is about control - remember that a protest can happen during -30 temperatures and link this with all the cameras that have been added to Montreal streets - THINK
The social paradox in the “miraculous” rescue on the Hudson - WSWS
Isn't that the truth.
Keith Olbermann - 8 years in 8 minutes
THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS — Michel Chossudovsky 1-1-2009, Montreal
We went to this.
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