
Things I read today 13-02-09

Obama's "War on Terror" - by Stephen Lendman
Where is the change?

Infertility is linked to chemicals found in cookware, clothing - Blacklisted News
First we are feminized and now infertile.

US spooks want 'stand off' biometrics-harvesting iPhones - The Register
Resistance is futile.

Cause of avalanche death for Canadian victims differs from Europeans: study - CBC News
Be afraid, they suffered.

Obama urges Americans to follow Lincoln's example - Story
Calling on sentimentality. No mention of
"The money power preys upon the nation in times of peace and conspires against it in times of adversity. It is more despotic than monarchy, more insolent than autocracy, more selfish than bureaucracy." - President Abraham Lincoln
The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity. - President Abraham Lincoln

67 computers missing from nuclear weapons lab - Blacklisted News
Glad to hear there was no classified information.

INTERPOL issues unprecedented global alert for 85 terrorist suspects wanted by Saudi Arabia - Interpol
Is it almost time for the 'within 6 month' test?

Nearly 1 billion starving worldwide - Blacklisted News
All this so we may 'compete'.

Teach the children

It's Not Going to Be OK - By Chris Hedges
What do you think will happen?

Canada to stick close to U.S. on environment policy: Prentice - CBC News
Monkey see, monkey do, NAU coming soon. Note the "historical opportunity to work together" - this is trying to add value to a 'legacy'.

49 die as Bombardier plane crashes into Buffalo, N.Y.-area home - CBC News
Making sure to bring the story to a personal level for Canadians - "manufactured by Montreal-based Bombardier Aerospace"
This one - has no mention of Montreal. Nor here - CBC brainwashing techniques.

Congress on bended knee before Wall Street executives - By Jerry White
So, how is it that there are not millions in the streets doing away with these financial elites? Ah yeah, stupidity and fear.

Police turn away crowd of train commuters - Story
More 'Police' intervention; are you getting accustomed to it yet?

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