
Things I Read Today 08-06-09

In The World And In Ourselves - Feeling Fed Up With Humanity - DailyOM
I have to come back to the good.


  1. Even tho you are off OMing :o)
    I visit often
    what you have given us up to this
    point is well worth reading again and again only to discovered each time how much one
    misses the first read..Wow Thank You so much!
    Looking forward to when you post again..
    love and the best !!

  2. What a THRILL to see the posting by Anonymous
    ..It was ME! My brain flashed HOT !
    WOW!! I am famous at last !! It was very exciting! Ha-haaaa
    Good thing one of the things I read today was this:
    “And I understood that in an age where there was so much ego, because of the camera, that it was very important to look for that kind of player, ... I began to look for the kind of player that doesn't need his ego fed by stardom, but will do what he's supposed to do because he knows the game and loves the game, and will do the job the right way even if someone else gets the glory.” ~ Bill Belichick
